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Sunday, March 28, 2010 @ 10:51 AM Picture Updates Okay, I've uncovered this function in Adobe Illustrator that will trace your drawings for you. -_-" Which means that I wasted so much time tracing, zzz. And as you all can see, the quality of the colouring isn't very good, because pixels are lost when I pour paint, blah blah. So now I'm going to photocopy the original drawing, and continue drawing, using correction tape to correct flaws. Then I'll scan it in (hopefully, if my dad sets up the scanner-printer in time) or take a photo, preferably the first. Then I'll use Illustrator to colour it in, touch up, instead of Corel. :D Because I can add in gradients etc in Illustrator easily. I just confused you, didn't I? =P Nevermind, just a quick update lar, haha. Bye! Rock[: Labels: Website-related ![]() Friday, March 26, 2010 @ 7:55 PM To D. I respect your decision, and it feels weird, really, hahah. To login and not see you in guild list. You brightened up the guild, and your comments never fail to make me laugh, hahah. Esp. the "lame" one. I'm currently deciding whether I should take you out from the header picture, but I guess I should leave you there. For posterity, I suppose. But, more importantly than not, because...you were in MSNoobSterZ once. Alumnus, haha. You leaving made me a feel an odd sense of numbness; I'm not too sure why. But, I can't expect all of you to cling on and never let go; that's just absurd. You have your own lives to lead, your own goals, your own ambitions! Follow them, and follow your heart. Cheerios, Rock. P.S. Buddies, promise. :) Labels: My 10 Mesos' Worth ![]() Thursday, March 25, 2010 @ 8:12 PM Header picture: Added points Hello! Okay, I'll be editing the pictures when I can (when I'm free). I don't know when that will be without sacrificing Mapling time, but I'll try. Note: Will be adding in 2 more characters, try to spot yourself now. Hopefully, should be more obvious. Since the previous one wasn't as obvious. Oh, coco, I made a mistake =P You were meant to be the guy holding the ":D" signboard, but I realised, after colouring, that it's a WARRIOR holding it. Grah. -_- So I'll use that as someone else, and put you in. =) Yes, Rickz, I WILL be adding in your archer, LOLS. To facilitate my adding, can COCO and RICKZ please send me a picture of their characters (zCoconutan and ArrowedRayz) ASAP? This is because I am unable to view many of the rankings. As in, the picture doesn't load/display, so I need your help. =) Thank you! Oh, and now that I'll be making a vertical extension, I'll be able to do gradient. =D YAY! Remember, the template will be BLUE. oo. Bye! Rock[: Labels: Website-related ![]() Sunday, March 21, 2010 @ 6:59 PM Header Picture Updates
Hello! Updates on the new blog header picture! ^^ Since the code is more or less the same, I see no need to post updates on that. But, the header picture's going to be nice! (hopefully, you all think so too. xD) And just in case you're curious, the new weblog template will be in...DRUMROLL PLEASE...blue! :D Drafts from yesterday!: More drafts... I drew in pencil first, then outlined in pen. :) Now, features of each person are clearer. Yay! Now, more outlines. And the black pen I used! :D I added in Gen this morning! Sorry Gen =/ I wasn't sure which character of yours to put in (Xenon, Keane or Gen). So I added you in much later. Much apologies! >< But you turned out pretty well, I must say. x) And, and...finally! A sneak peek! I've been working on this the whole morning. It still needs colouring, and the adding in of some effects. But, nonetheless, tadaaa!~ How is it? Please give me your feedback. I originally wanted to put in a gradient background, so it won't look so boring, but I wasn't able to. =/ Feedback feedback! Comment comment! Thank you, Rock[: P.S. Realised I haven't posted about the Race II yet. Sorry! Will get to it soon. Labels: Website-related ![]() @ 3:35 PM :) Thanks, R, for helping yesterday! You know who you are x) Hahas, I'm hoping things between Y and I will go on smoothly, and that we won't have pointless childish arguments or the hurling of vulgarities. -_- R, thank you! Yay! Hopefully, through your help, R, the guild can be better bonded. Or at least, between members. :) Y isn't that bad, it seems. Hahas. xD Thanks, R! ![]() Thursday, March 18, 2010 @ 4:39 PM Junior request Hello, Any willing victims want to be Rock's junior? You don't get any benefits at all :D Yay! And I may not share the REP you gain with you :D So, any takers? Rock HAHA~! xD ![]() @ 4:17 PM Race II Confirmation Details Hey all! Currently, we have 5 people who are moreorless confirmed going. There's another 3 people who have not confirmed yet, or are not very sure. For those who haven't replied me yet, please do so! Thank you! Remember: 19th March (tomorrow) 11 A.M. Orbis. Be there or be squared! ^^ Rock[: Labels: Guild-related ![]() @ 11:59 AM Reflections and notes The whole incident came back to me only after seeing that same person again yesterday, in the same map. For a moment I thought that he'll come kill me or something, after what we did the other day. But he didn't. In fact, he just spent his whole time leeching at the top of the house. And when another party member asked the leader why so, the leader calmly replied that it was his (the person leeching, and the person in question) map. (Therefore he could leech.) Oh, the unfairness of the great world! Okay, let me explain before launching into this post, lest anybody of you get lost, which I'm sure, many already have. A few days ago, my friend and I were accepted into this person's party, in where else, but ESW. The leader, let's just call him Z, had a ringer in party as well, and I think the leader wanted us to pay for the ringer as well. Of course, both my friend and I were reluctant. I didn't even want a ringer! With the leader leeching our precious exp, what difference will a ringer make? Won't Z still get more exp than us? In my point of view, I felt that it was unfair that he was to charge us, and then start leeching simply because it was "his map". Put it blatantly, I wasn't happy with him. Whatsmore, he said something about: "I'm very nice de, I paid the ringer more than you'll pay." (Transcribed in better grammar than the original) i.e. "I'm supposed to pay 1/3, (there were 3 of us in the party, don't count the ringer) I paid more than that. Therefore you pay less than what you're supposed to pay." Whatever. Some guy came in about 20 or so minutes later, warning us of a KS-er on the loose. True to words, about 40 or so minutes after first joining Z's stinky party, the KS-er came. At the moment, my friend suggested leaving the party and running off. We had had no intentions of paying for the ringer at all. Z will see to it that the ringer will be paid. So my friend left the party, in the midst of the chaos the lousy KS-er was causing. Now, I say 'lousy' because he kept missing the mobs, which is a rather funny sight to behold, especially since he's meant to be KS-ing. I followed suit. We went back to town, and changed channel. For the record, let me say that I have never done something like this before. Only when we were safe away in channel 1, many scenes away from ESW, then did I feel a sense of euphoria. For once, I felt euphoric, and truly, truly, happy. I was excited, like a kid who's just been given pocket money in a candy store. I remember I kept laughing, and I felt so...carefree, for that moment anyway. I was excited, happy, and nervous. All at once. I kept hinting to my friend my sudden rush of exhilaration and euphoria, but I don't think he really seemed to notice, or care. Oh well. I don't really remember what happened next. But, after my friend had logged off, and I was wandering about aimlessly - not quite sure of what to do, did I suddenly feel miserable. Yes, miserable. The feeling of euphoria had worn off, and in its place was misery. I felt miserable suddenly, and I didn't know why. Rock. P.S. Now, a different incident. Let's just call this person involved Y. Y, truth be told, when you asked me, I was kind of reluctant to help. It's nothing personal, just that: 1) I had really gtg, my parents were scolding. 2) You were a bit far away. 3) I felt you were mildly unreasonable. Now, I'm not lamblasting you or anything, nor taking this opportunity to talk bad about you, but. I feel that both you and I have lots to work on, if we wish to understand each other better. When I told you I had no space, it was true. I sold you some of my own pots in the end as well, I hope you don't mind. But I didn't expect your reaction to my comment. I felt that it was unreasonable. If all my stuff were that useless and worthless, why would I be keeping it in the first place? Now, I don't wish to start a fight, I just wish to come clean. Okay, so don't misunderstand my intentions. When I reached you, I knew you were already mildy agitated by the ongoing argument between you and somebody else. I, for one, couldn't really be bothered. Truth be told, all I wanted was to pass you the stuff, and leave. So I admit I may have been a bit obnoxious then, typing so fast and rushing you. But you need to understand that as well. Both you and I have faults, and I'm not ashamed nor abashed to write them all here. When I did my calculations in the window, I know that you assumed that I thought of you in a certain way, which is not true. It was just a habit of mine to calculate in the other person's face, lest misunderstandings arise. I know I was kinda blatant and rude in the window, and I apologise for that. But when you said that I said that you were poor, that's not the truth. Don't jump to conclusions, Y, I never said nor hinted that. So I'm sorry I offended you. But, you too, you have fault, not just me. For it takes two hands to clap. You shouldn't have jumped to baseless conclusions. Since when did I hint so? And when you tried to throw money in my face, you made things worse. I got angry. I was rushed, and angry. When I apologised to you, I didn't really mean it then. It was the only way, I knew, to salvage whatever's left of our superficial acquaintance. But I was glad then that you kind of accepted it. I feel ashamed of it now, really. I'm sorry. That's slightly better. But enough of that. Enough of digging up the past. I'm secretly glad that I'm typing this more than a day after that incident, because, over the past many hours, I've had had loads of time to think things through, reflect, and ponder upon them. Rather than rushing into a post immediately after the incident, and typing things which I'll end up regretting. I'm glad I chose to wait instead. Y, I know after that incident, you'll be prejudiced against me, and I'll be prejudiced against you. Which is half true, I must admit, with regards to the latter. It's hard to view you without my tinted lenses now, and I don't like that. I'll try my best to get rid of those tinted lenses, but really, I need you to remove yours as well. Can't we have a proper, civilised conversation without either you scolding people vulgarities, or me feeling angry behind the computer, ready for violence? So far, we both have had no good conversations with each other. Either bad, neutral, or lukewarm. And that's not a good sign. But we can change that, I know we can, Y. It's not like I'm asking anything more than a simple friendship. I would grade our current interaction as "Grade-1 superficial neutral", i.e. close to a F-, if I must say so. Can't we try to promote that to a higher level, like maybe a "Grade-1 lukewarm"? I know the phrasing's odd, but then again, I'm feeling out of sorts now. So it doesn't really matter. Half of me hopes that you'll see this, the other half hopes you'll never ever find it. I hope that, if you do view this post (the later half), you'll take off your tinted lenses as well, and maybe view me in a better light, rather than be judgemental and base my character on a few not-so-good incidents. I'm willing to try to befriend you, but, you have to try as well. Can we just put aside our differences and view each other in unbiased lights? I know you're capable of that, I hope I'm capable of that. For, like I said, it takes two hands to clap. Labels: My 10 Mesos' Worth ![]() Monday, March 15, 2010 @ 10:25 AM The Great Race Maple! Season II Listen up, y'all! Season II of the MSNoobSterZ Great Race: Maple! is here! ![]() Hosted by: RockOwnerXD Organised by: RockOwnerXD Sponsored by: (still looking~) Contest open only to Cassiopeia World players. Attractive (hopefully) prizes to be won! Woo! REMEMBER, remember, remember! 19th March. Friday. 11 A.M. (Should not go past 1p.m.) Orbis. READ, read, read! Season I's announcement: Click here! Post-post: Click here! :D Currently, we have 3 people who have signed up, more please, more! Okay, details. 1. This is like the Amazing Race, you know, the one they show on TV? But this is much shorter, and easier. :P 2. 2 people per team. Team members would be ASSIGNED BY THE HOSTS. IN THE EVENT THAT WE HAVE AN UNEVEN NUMBER, WE MAY CHOOSE TO REORGANISE TEAMS. 3. Money will be given to all teams. This would be enough for transportation costs. 4. The Great Race Maple will involve: a) the killing of monsters b) height elements c) travelling across great distances. Attempt at your own risk; you may die. We at MSNoobSterZ will not compensate you. NOTE THAT THIS CONTEST IS OPEN TO ALL! ESPECIALLY GUILD MEMBERS! ALLIANCE MEMBERS ARE WELCOME TO JOIN TOO. BUDDIES OF GUILD MEMBERS AND RANDOM STRANGERS ARE WELCOME TOO. :) HOWEVER, in the event that we have insufficient people signing up, we may have to make you all go INDIVIDUALLY. :O now, where's the fun in that? So don't make us cancel! Sign up now, either through guild tagboard or BBS! EVERYONE'S A WINNER IN THE MSNOOBSTERZ GREAT RACE: MAPLE! SEASON II!! SIGN UP BY WEDNESDAY, 17th March! Write on BBS or leave a tag here! Regards, (much of it) ROCK[: Labels: Guild-related ![]() Saturday, March 13, 2010 @ 8:48 PM Bug! There's a bug. Listen! :O I was on the ship to Erev from Orbis. I alt-tabbed to check my email. When I checked again a few minutes later, I realised I was in Orbis. ._. That's about all. So, now currently on the ship to Victoria :D Yay! I learnt my lesson! Rock[: ![]() Wednesday, March 3, 2010 @ 7:50 PM Nothing much
Hello, shall take a brief 10 minute break from my homework, to blog a little (hopefully this does not turn out rubbish-y). Well, firstly, updates on my life. Nothing much, and I shall say no more, no less. However, if you do not think dissection is disgusting, and you wish to know more about what I'll be doing with regards to dissection, you may want to highlight the text here: I'll be dissecting an eyeball tomorrow during lesson. *gives that funny face, which is somewhat between a shocked and a should-i-laugh kind of look* :O So gross right! Yea yea, I know people EAT eyeballs, but still. I don't eat them :O So I personally find it disgusting lar, although I won't wish to impose my views on those who do count eyeballs in their diets. :) How squeamish. Can you imagine, the thing rolling about whilst I hold my scalpel above it and attempt to cut through what appears to be a rolling fishball. Gosh. Oh, did I just say fishballs? The eyeballs are sitting in my fridge now (I'm bringing one for my friend), and my mum and brother outside are making silly eyeball jokes. They're not the ones dissecting it. =/ And the eyeballs are right next to the potato chips in my fridge. >_> Luckily my brother's unaware of that. :D Okay, don't say I gross you out hor. I did give a warning. And it was your own choice to highlight the whole chunk of text there. :) Hiah hiah hiah. It's kind of hard to type that out. If you're wondering how to pronounce that, say... Hee-Ah. Say faster a bit, then it should sound like 'hiah' already. :) Well, I have filled up my quota for today :D Goodbye! Rock[: And I'm not disgusting okay. Tsk. P.S. I had first put the secret text in white, but then realised that the current blogskin (CNY, VDay special) has a reddish background. -_- So I ended up leaving the text in black, and highlighting it black instead. :) ![]() |