[Alliance] [Guilds] [People] [Places] [Categories] [Members' Submissions] [Miscelleanous] [Guild Ranking] 255 [Medals] Information Dino is also an active screenshots contributor. (: See here: Dino |
Saturday, December 27, 2008 @ 4:51 PM Contact Us If you wish to find out more about our guild, or want to contact our GuildMaster, you can drop us an email at the below stated addresses. However, if you wish to JOIN our guild, then please kindly state your IGN clearly in the email. GuildMaster: mailto:msnoobsterzmsster@gmail.com?subject=MSNoobSterZblog *Do not remove the word "MSNoobSterZ" in the subject title, or else it would not get past our spam filters.* **Note from GuildMaster:My email address stated there is not my main MSN, so do not bother adding it to your MSN contact list. Thanks(:** Kindly do not send ANY spam mail to either of the email addresses. Spammers, please get lost (I don't care even if you are using the latest GPRS software, just get lost! >:D) Also, please do not send any unwanted solicitation / advertising emails to us. Sorry, we are NOT interested. Kindly give us at least 5 working / schooling days (whichever is longer) to check and read the emails. Thank you(: Labels: Guild-related, Website-related |