[Alliance] [Guilds] [People] [Places] [Categories] [Members' Submissions] [Miscelleanous] [Guild Ranking] 255 [Medals] Information Dino is also an active screenshots contributor. (: See here: Dino |
Thursday, December 30, 2010 @ 10:49 AM Guild Race on the 23rd Nov Hello all! We had the Guild race more than a month ago, but because I've been really lazy and also busy with my other personal commitments, I've finally set aside now to post about it. I actually cropped most of the screenshots less than a week after the race, but procrastination has stalled further updates of it. *shudders :O* Until now. (: Here goes: We met at Erev in the morning, and the race was to start there. Members of the race get pretty jumpy and excited xD Somebody dropped his ETCs ._. J., a member of our guild, pretends to hide. After the Mano stage, participants are to come to Lith Harbour. Busy, busy, busy. The co-host relaxes with the first team to arrive. Shock. Awe. Surprise. At what? I don't recall. (: Rickz grooves along to his music xD He loves his music. Rider jumping in Pet Park. Don't give up! Shane is fed-up. Either that, or he is trying to pull another J. x) (See 4th screenshot in this post.) Don't cheat yourself, Silent. You're our host, remember? F3. SCREENSHOTS BELOW SUBMITTED BY XMRMVPX. Thank you! MrMvP is frustrated and angry! J. is calm. MrMvP is eager to know his current standing. xD Us taking screenshots at the guild house in the end. Cheers! One of the rewards - a limited edition broomstick! J., YOUR TEAM is the first, remember? o__o MrMvP is shocked at the news. J. has come to terms with the win. x) POST-RACE SCREENSHOTS: Taken in the Guild House! (i.e. Empty House II in Ludibrium xD), so named in a previous race. (: Shane wants to be different F3. Wyte loves his mushroom ^^ Silent, say that again and Wyte will use his ice powers and freeze you for an eternity xD J. is trying to popularise a new catch-phrase when taking photographs... Saying 'Cheese' is so yesterday xD 'Orange squeeze' is the new cheese, baby. ^^v HEY! 2 people so busy Rickz means it. The power of photo-editing softwares. MrMvP, Wyte and Shane, don't make ME crop you guys out xD Meh. F3. Rickz laughs. Hmm. I guess that's about all. Sorry for this substandard post which kind of lacks loads of words. But then again, a picture speaks a thousand words, doesn't it? (: For now, cheers! Hope to see you all at the next guild event! Rock[; Tuesday, December 28, 2010 @ 9:19 AM Big Bang, Chaos Updates! Silent went web-surfing for updates on the future of Maple, and, here's what he found. Of course, videos and info found by him, but it's yours truly who is typing all this stuff down. 1. A cool Big Bang update video (he actually found this some time ago, I was just lazy till today.) 2. Chaos Update! Like Big Bang, but comes after it. Equally, if not, MORE... interesting, let's say. 3. Preview of stuff in Chaos Update! ONE. Big Bang, by Spadow. See his post at http://spadow.wordpress.com/2010/07/01/maplestory-big-bang-update/ The Korean-English translation is at the actual Youtube site, and I won't copy it down here out of respect for Spadow's rights. And, you don't really need to know it, it's just some yada yada kind of stuff. Like the trailer kind, obviously. URL to the Youtube video as follows: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evKAyml_5f0 TWO. Chaos Update, by Spadow. See his post at http://spadow.wordpress.com/2010/12/09/maplestory-chaos-coming-soon/ The Korean narrator sounds COOL LOL!! :D Korean-English translation at actual Youtube site. Basically just giving outlines of what will happen, trailer-style. URL to the Youtube video as follows: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgtabSZqHP4 NOTE: In my opinion, if you're wondering who the narrator is, and why he keeps reminding them of his return, I am willing to bet 10 cents that he is the DUAL BLADER. Erm I'm not actually sure 100%, but in my opinion I believe so, because, in KMS, the Dual Blader class was removed for quite some time, due to concerns. Mainly about it's uber-ness, so yea. Mm so their Dual Blader came back during the Chaos Update (he was gone in Big Bang.) So I feel that the narrator of this Chaos Update video is supposedly, the Dual Blader. Or at least, reading from his viewpoint. Just my 10 cents' worth ;) THREE. Preview of stuff after the Chaos Update, uploaded by AristosMS. As seen on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23ThhM5eq4s Shows you the destroyed town of Henesys in some warped twisted dimension MUAHAHA. (Don't worry, Henesys is still there you twits). Points to note: 1. Thought snails, mushrooms, slimes and pigs were weak? WELL, THINK AGAIN. They're much much much more strong and huge in the "future" Henesys. They're at least level 170, for you need to be 160 and above to even ENTER the destroyed area. Technically, there'll be TWO Henesys towns after Chaos Update, ONE ORIGINAL, the other the "FUTURE", when Queen Cygnus and her fellow knights (Irina etc) turn EVIL!! Except for Ninehearts. I've always had a good spot for him, and I'm right! :D So don't complain about the destruction of the current Henesys, because THAT'S NOT HAPPENING TWIT. -_- 2. Queen Cygnus, WHYY? Exploration gone really wrong. Queen Cygnus and our 5 beloved knights ventured to the World Tree (Sounds like Warcraft LOL! >D). But it was a trap, set by the Black Mage (yes, he's back! And better. And stronger.) He snatched their souls from them, and they are under his bidding now. :O 3. NEW JOBS, NEW SKILLS. JOBS: yea, Resistance (Wild Hunter, Battle Mage), and Mechanic. SKILLS: A. Aran, Evan and Dual Blader got new skills. But I forgot, so yea. B. aha! Maple is learning from LaTale ahhhh ;X They got mining! And jewelry and herbalists and smithing and I DON'T KNOW LAR. Go watch the video, I'm lazy F3. C. Adventurers' skills change a little (Skills better, skills worser, you decide)/ === END OF UPDATE === Yay NINEHEARTS :D Although you look like a girl, but yea, whatever. P.S. There are rumours that if you have a level 120 CYGNUS character, you can get an Ultimate Adventurer. No details yet, but Silent'll probably find it out soon. Meanwhile he's going to get his KoC to higher levels. And to think people hesitate when creating a KoC because they feel that as it stops at 120, it is not as time-effective as training any other character. For now, Silent will work on it, and I will be the weirdo who types weirdly who updates you with his findings. Cheers, Rock[: Sunday, December 26, 2010 @ 11:52 AM 2011 COUNTDOWN! Hey all! There's gonna be another countdown this year, on 31st Dec (obviously). Meet at 11.30 PM at Ellinia Station! You better come hor. (; Cheers, Rock[: Saturday, December 25, 2010 @ 9:00 AM Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho ~ |