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Saturday, January 30, 2010 @ 2:59 PM Lunar New Year! Hey all! The Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year) is coming soon =) If you all have any wishes for CNY, you can write them down either in BBS or on the tagboard, and I'll transfer them here. =) Regardless of whether you're Chinese or not, let us all celebrate! Woo!~ WISHES: Rickz - To get into the school dean's list! =) Rock - To get a MSG of 1.00 for my studies this year! >D ~ Rock[: ![]() Friday, January 29, 2010 @ 7:09 PM Random! Random quotes. With regards to the futile search for good guides, "If you want any good guides, you have to write them yourself." With regards to the amount of EXP needed to level (at 60+), "The only place you'll ever want to see 7 digits is in your inventory window." =) Rock[: ![]() Sunday, January 24, 2010 @ 12:33 PM =/ Did a Google search, and found 4 sites which contained our names. Upon clicking the cached view, AVG notified me like this, in my browser window: Went to do a bit of research on this, cannot do anything about it yet. =/ Sorry! >< In the meantime, don't go to any of those sites. Only go to msnoobsterz.blogspot.com < It's the legitimate site. The rest are illegal/disturbing sites. Don't go there! =O Thanks, Webmaster. Labels: Website-related ![]() Monday, January 18, 2010 @ 8:11 PM Happy 2nd Birthday, MSNoobSterZ! Happy 2nd birthday MSNoobSterZ! :DD Enjoy! A deluge of photos! :D (Actually, only 4, but yeah. xD ) ![]() Happy 2nd B'day! ![]() MSNoobSterZ (couldn't find anything that resembled a 'Z') ![]() MSNoobSterian! ![]() :D and the pencil case I made myself. :) :) * * * As rain descends upon the earth, the dormant seed is awakened by the pitter-patter of rain drops hitting the soil. Slowly but surely, the little seedling emerges from its hard case, which formerly served as a form of protection and a source of nutrients, but now ceased to serve its purpose. The cold hard case is discarded, as the seedling burrows its way upwards, spurred on by the thought of warm sunlight above. Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday MSNoobSterZ~~ Happy birthday to you~! Today, our guild turns two. So much has happened in the last 2 years. As we grew older, wiser, the guild grew too. We shared our joys and sorrows, gains and pains, went through thick and thin - as one united people. The guild would not be where it is today without support and dedication from all MSNoobSterZ members, be it past or present. Because of YOU - yes, you! - the guild has grown from a tiny community of 6, to a more close-knit and bonded guild, nearly 30-strong. Because of you, the guild has grown to be a hospitable haven, filled with friendly faces. Entwining bonds of camaraderie and strong friendship have been formed between some members. It heartens me to see this prospect. Because of you, today is possible. :) The little seedling bursts through the earth, emerging in the brilliant sunlight. Motivated by the comforting touch of the radiant sun, it pushes and stretches its way upwards. Extending its leaves to receive the precious sunlight, the little seedling feels rejuvenated and energised. I know it sounds cliche, but I would wish to use this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to the loyal supporters; no words can express my thanks for you. :) You have been so helpful, so nice. For example, whenever anybody got KS-ed, or needed any help, I would always see people selflessly stepping forward, to volunteer themselves and extend their help. These little acts of kindness and friendship may not seem much, but it matters a lot to the 'victim', and to me. It may not seem like a lot, nor does it seem like it can change the world overnight, but it matters. Trust me. :) Slowly but surely, the seedling matures into an adult plant, under the shade of the parent tree. Under the watchful presence of the sun and the tree, beautiful flowers blossom on the plant. Fruits are borne, and they drop to earth upon ripening, carrying with them the precious seeds of the parent plant. The seeds find themselves soon embedded in the ground, lying dormant in wait of the next rain to descend from the heavens. I know that we have much to improve on. I know that we are still considered as a young guild, not yet fully mature. But, I know that we can do this together. You and me. And her and him and them. And us. For I know that we all have potential. Untapped potential. Lying in wait for the right opportunity. Why not use those gifts to better our guild? Together, we can contribute ideas, introduce new guidelines, and improve our system for the better. Together, we can do it. This journey that we are embarking on is full of surprises and adventures. Treasures to be found. Friendships to be forged. Knowledge to be gained. You never know what awaits you until you set off on your journey; you will never know what could happen next, be it good or bad. It could be the littlest of things, the most trivial experience, or a fantastical life-changing event. But no matter. Whenever you feel down, don't be. :) Always remember that there's a guild here in the world that supports you. :) On this note, I wish to end off the MSNoobSterZ 2nd Anniversary Commemorative post. :D Happy Mapling, studying/working, ROCK[: 18 January 2010. ![]() Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @ 3:48 PM Guild Picture~! Guild picture this friday (15 jan!), will start around 7+ or so. For those who cannot make it, leave a note in BBS ASAP, telling me what time you are free THIS WEEKEND. Okay, alright! Lols hahas. (: Cheers, Rock[: Labels: Guild-related ![]() Monday, January 11, 2010 @ 7:34 PM Guild Picture! Hello! Can we take a guild picture together in Maple, sometime... Maybe on a Friday? Around 7~8pm+ (: Leave comments! Rock[: P.S. Guild birthday coming soon! Will try to plan stuff for you all ;D Labels: Guild-related ![]() Sunday, January 10, 2010 @ 7:05 PM Funny video (: Heyy! =) Got this from my brother's class blog. His teacher embedded it. ._. Multi media in studies, how interesting! x) Enjoy, it's funny :D Rock[: ![]() Saturday, January 9, 2010 @ 8:44 PM Nothing much Hi all, Just returned from a rather long walk. Spent my time telling my brother about my flash game, and discussed flume rides (Physics!) with my dad on the walk back. Anyway, came here to tell you all a little story. Came home from school on wednesday, as usual. But this time I was earlier than my mum. Anyway, my mum reached home in about 20 minutes or so, relaying to me a story. She was walking out of the lift, when she saw this guy distributing flyers. You know that kind. They go door to door and place flyers at your doorstep. Well, THIS guy was happily humming music to himself whilst doing his job. Okay, so he was really cheerful. You ask me, "so what?" I say, "listen on". So, what was interesting was that this guy was distributing A4-sized flyers. But instead of chucking them to the space between the gate and the door, he carefully folded them into halves, which he then halved again. He folded neatly, and placed it nicely, wedging it between the gate and its frame, at the side. Now, before we jump to conclusions, I personally would think that at least he made the effort to fold them NICELY and put them NICELY. Which is a good thing. Although, yes, you may rebutt. But, the fact is that he made the effort. It may be superficial, but he put in that extra effort. At least he bothered. It reflects well on him; a good work ethic and all that. I know there's many loopholes in my conclusion, but I personally think so. Even if he was just pretending, at least he made an effort to pretend, which I feel, is great. =) Rock[: P.S. Sorry it's sub-standard, but I wish to go Maple now. =P Labels: My 10 Mesos' Worth ![]() Monday, January 4, 2010 @ 6:04 PM Monster Carnival 1 (MC) Comments
(Okay, going straight to the point because I have homework to do.) I am sure many of you have been to Monster Carnival (Season 1) before, or MC1 as many call it. Well, below are some of my feedbacks regarding MC, having been through it several times using different characters, and following recounts by others. Firstly, I feel that there needs to be greater transperency between the two opposing teams. This is because, nowadays, many parties opt for a "swap win", which is thus far defined as the two teams taking turns to win. This is if course, built on a certain mutual understanding and trust. Furthermore, many parties engaging in swap wins lay down certain criterion, for example, by summoning only certain mobs and certain 'protectors', and the prohibition of skills (some skills can stun a member of the opposing party and leave him/her vulnerable and helpless for a few seconds). These criterion are laid down before the match begins, and parties are obliged to follow through, as it is considered part of the "mutual agreement" between both teams. Failure to do so would leave the offending party insults, and possibly defames. The victimised party may also publicly declare them as 'scammers'. Moreover, I have witnessed situations whereby the party leader refuses to summon anything for the other party, and the poor party member(s) are left to do the summoning. Of course, with one person unwilling to summon, it is often the fact that the other member(s) will be unable to summon all that the other team has demanded, and that both have agreed on, as a general consensus. Thus such, I have witnessed situations whereby the other party end up defaming a random member of the party (the one whose member/party leader refuses to summon). This causes undue stress and trouble for both sides. There have also been instances whereby some parties break the protocol and end up using summoning skills. Now, let me clarify on this point. Summoning skills (e.g. stun, poison etc) are different from Daze Marbles. Daze Marbles are picked up, and do not require Carnival Points to summon. Currently, all of the swap wins I have gone through do not disallow daze marbles, rather only one or two have requested nicely for me to avoid picking them up. However, there have been cases whereby some parties purposely use the "Stun" skill, which uses CP. For those who watch the opponents' CP closely (like me), it will become fairly obvious after a while. But, there are people who will not notice, especially if this breach occurs only a few times. Despite the fact that it may only occur a few times, it is however unfair. If this was agreed on to be prohibited, what gives the other party the right to summon it? It is clearly a breach of trust and mutual understanding. Following these observations, here are my comments and feedback, with a possible suggestion: In order to make things more transparent, I believe that the only way out is to enable the other party to see what you have summoned, and what skills you cast. This will apply mainly to swap wins. How the system works: Before the match begins, at the waiting zone, there will be a checkbox. This checkbox will read: "Do you wish to allow the other team to know what you have summoned (mobs, protectors and skills). It is not compulsory." And then the person just clicks yes or no. Let us imagine a scenario whereby Team A (which has 2 people) is fighting Team B (which also has 2 people). One of A's members, Person One, checked the box, thus allowing B to see what he does. However, Person Two from A did not. So, let's say Person One summoned a Rombot. Now, B's members will see in their chatbox: [Person One] from Team A has summoned Rombot (1). Then now Person Two summoned a Rombot too. However, Team B would be unable to see that. Whilst I do agree that this process has numerous flaws, for example, not everyone would check the box, BUT if you know that you won't be doing anything stupid, you'll most probably agree. For example, the other party specifically asked you not to use the skill "Stun", then if you know you have a clear conscience, and that you won't try sneaky tactics and summon it, then most likely you'll agree. I mean, you have nothing to lose. And if the other party has doubts about your party, then this is the chance to prove that there is nothing sneaky about your party! Whatsmore, if you are not willing to agree to the 'transparency box', then people will get even more suspicious about you. Another advantage of this is that, now everybody cannot just blame the party leader, or a given member in a party. F3. For example, you know somebody in that party used "Stun", and the 'transparency box' supports you, then you know who to defame and scold later. F3. *evil grin* Rather than blame it on an innocent person. Thus, this is a suggestion I have, regarding MC1. I feel that it may improve (swap win) things a little, because now you are absolutely sure that the other party is telling the truth. I have seen cases surface because of this, and trust me, it's not a pretty sight. With that thought in mind, I end this mini essay. Thank you! Rock[: Labels: My 10 Mesos' Worth ![]() Sunday, January 3, 2010 @ 3:18 PM
Too bad to the people whose resolutions have a width of 800px. =P You have to scroll horizontally now. F3. Anyway. MAY be updating this skin soon, to make it more...professional looking. Hahas =) And to accomodate the 600px wide Maple screenshots. This would save on the resizing time. =/ That's about all. =) Signing off now, Rock! Labels: Website-related ![]() @ 12:42 PM
![]() Hello guildmates! (AhhJ is here to post) Rock've asked me to help in posting too. 2010 have finally reached and 2009 has left us. Here we have to work hard again, so enjoy your last day of holiday! :) Btw, we should take a guild photo, like what rock've said. Happy mapling and study hard, AhhJ. To Rock: I like the countdown poster you've made! :D (Sorry for a short post only) ![]() Friday, January 1, 2010 @ 10:08 AM Guild Picture Day! I realised that we don't have a good guild screenshot of all of us together. I want one for my desktop wallpaper =P Guild picture please?~~ Rock[: ![]() @ 9:22 AM 2010!
Goodbye 2009, and welcome to a new decade in history! You, me, everyone, we're all part of this together! So stand up now, and cheer! Because, it is two-oh-one-oh! (or twenty-ten, if you must insist) Stand up, wherever you are, and welcome in the New Year! It's 9.20 in the morning now, meaning 9 hours and 20 minutes have lapsed since 2010 officially started for my country (GMT +8.00). But it's not too late to still cheer! Woo~~ Hahas, after effects of the 'party' early this morning still affects me. J., I blame you too. F3. Looking back at 2009, I would say that it has been a rather challenging year. Our guild's first birthday passed on 18th January, 2008. From then on, we have been through turbulent and rough times. 2009 saw the emergence of a new group of 3rd job-bers, new guildmembers - which are a welcome addition to our lovely family, I hope you feel the same way too! - new challenges, and new experiences. 2009 posed a great deal of challenges actually. I know there was a period of time when I wasn't very loyal (ahem), but luckily I returned back and found myself on the right track. =) I know, too, that in 2009, v0.04 of the guild weblog template was released. It may have been a let-down to some, but to me, it was well worth the effort. Yay #FFCC33 and #66FFFF! =) I know that wytemagician became our first 'home-grown' member to reach 3 digits! Woo! And to borrow one of Rickz's expressions, the whole guild is a giant tree, I am the soil, all members are little saplings (nen ya er in Chinese. F3), and wyte is a young plant, laboriously reaching out to the sunlight, and extending its little leaves, growing, growing, day by day. =) 2009 was not without failures too. The incompletion of our GPQs reflects that fact, but I reckon it should be sorted out soon enough. KS-es, scams, hacks. All those bad experiences were experienced by an unlucky few of our guildmembers, which, I must add, is a really sad fact of online gaming. Which leads me to wonder too, regarding our ultimate goal. Some say it's to go to level 200 and receive the recognition and fame you so richly deserve. Others tell me it's to simply follow your dreams. But I think the true essence of our guild's goal has yet to be uncovered, yet to be achieved. The reason why this guild was created in the first place was actually to help others in need. (Of course, if you can't even help yourself, let's not talk about helping others.) But, whilst we usher in the new year with much fanfare, let us not lose sight of this goal. It is a tedious and painstaking journey there, but I know that we can do it. We can accomplish so much. I know we can. I believe in all of us. But my belief is not enough. I need yours too. I need you to believe in this goal. Only when we all believe in it, and work towards it, can we succeed. Only then can we discover the true essence of what it means to be in MSNoobSterZ. I need your help, because I cannot do this alone. This is not a journey a solo musketeer can undertake. This is a journey which we must all set out on together. I say 'we' because there is no 'I' in 'team'. So, let us work on the continuous improvement of our guild! Let us work together! Without further ado, let me write out the well wishes. May 2010 bring you, your family, and your friends good luck, and may you all prosper! May all your endeavours succeed, and may all your dreams come true! May MSNoobSterZ (which is approaching its 2nd anniversary soon) prosper and succeed! Let us cheer now, for it is a new year! A new beginning, a fresh start! Gambateh and jiayous! ^^ Let us welcome in the new year together! :D Best regards, Rock[: 1st January 2010.
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