[Alliance] [Guilds] [People] [Places] [Categories] [Members' Submissions] [Miscelleanous] [Guild Ranking] 255 [Medals] Information Dino is also an active screenshots contributor. (: See here: Dino |
Monday, December 7, 2009 @ 6:47 PM MSNoobSterZ New Guidelines
MSNoobSterZ New Guidelines With effect from 8 December 2009, the following guidelines will apply. It is compulsory for members to abide by the following. Failure to do so may lead to verbal warnings, demotion or expulsion (not limited to those only). By entering the guild “MSNoobSterZ”, you accept the following guidelines. 1. Activity 1.1 You have to login at least 3 times a week. This 3 times need not necessarily be for training. Note that there is no time frame for you to stay online. You may choose to simply log in and then log out; that is up to you. Of course, we (i.e. the Jr Masters and yours truly, the GuildMaster) would not know how often you log in per week. But come server checks, your name and related information would be displayed as “????”. If the “????” were to stay for a prolonged period of time (i.e. for more than 3 weeks), you would be subjected to expulsion. To continue on with the points mentioned in 1.1, let me state the rationale of this move. Kicking people out of the guild is not exactly my cup of tea, but owing to certain circumstances, let me explain. It has come to my attention that our guild is becoming less and less active. Recent feedbacks have also prompted me to push forward these new guidelines. A certain someone (shall I mention your name or shall I not?) has given me valuable insights as to how to run a guild properly. This certain someone mentioned about a ratio. Now let me elaborate on this. 1.2 The ratio This ratio, as put forth by a member of the guild (who is experienced himself) is as follows: In order to ensure that the guild makes good progress monthly, a certain balance has to be maintained. That is, among every 5 people, there has to be 4 active ones and 1 inactive* one. The 4 active ones would have to be “forced” to make up for that 1 inactive individual. This ratio translates into the fact that for every 20 people, there should be 16 active and 4 inactive. *Now, before people start thinking it is contradictory, let me explain. The “inactive” individual, as denoted by the * sign, is not really “inactive” in that sense. It simply means that this person is either a) inactive for lesser than 3 weeks or b) an exception case, which I shall explain in part 1.3. 1.3 Exceptions There would always be a few exceptional cases in the guild. These people are exempt from certain guidelines on activity. How to “become” an exception: a) Application of leave from the GuildMaster. For example, you have your exams coming up in a few weeks’ time. You wish to revise for them and hence are unable to login for a few weeks. Ask the GuildMaster, and leave would be given (case-by-case basis). But please do not betray my trust. Never lie. However, do not expect me to give you a one-year leave. That’s absurd. To apply for this, however, you have to be specific. E.g. which date your exams start, and which date they end. You also have to provide me a start date for your leave, and an end date. The moment the end date arrives, I expect you to be back in the guild. b) Parental consent not given. Ya, ya, that’s a rather common sight I see among the younger players. However, if you know your parents would never consent to you logging 3 times a week, LET ME KNOW ASAP. So that I can remember your names, and would not kick you out. c) On a case-by-case basis. 2. General behaviour Many of you are generally well-behaved. However there would always be the occasional black sheep who would tarnish the guild name. Let me lay down several regulations. 2.1 Mind your manners Be mindful of others. I am not asking you to be a Mr. or Miss. Courtesy, but showing a basic level of respect to other players is not asking much actually. Refrain (I say refrain because I am human too) from scolding others and/or humiliating them publicly. Respect general guidelines. 2.2 No begging If you need mesos, either get them yourself or ask nicely from friends. DO NOT BEG PUBLICLY. However, you also acknowledge the fact that we (Members of the guild) are at no obligation to help you. Repeated asking / begging (for example, but not limited to, "Mesos pl0x" [Mesos please]) may get you a verbal warning. This is on a case-by-case basis. Members of the guild may render assistance, but they should never be forced to give money or other items. 2.3 No kill-stealing (KS-ing) Do not KS. It does not reflect well on you or on the guild. If you are caught KS-ing, a verbal warning would be issued. However, if you still choose to KS other people even after repeated warnings, you would face demotion or expulsion. This is on a case-by-case basis. Moreover, I may make you apologise to the victim(s). 3. Guild-related guidelines 3.1 Information The Bulletin Board System (BBS) and the guild weblog are channels of communication between members of the guild. Occasionally, information would be dispatched via these means. To keep up to date, you are strongly encouraged to regularly check on them, especially the BBS. If the information is really relevant/interesting, a brief note would be placed in the Guild Notice (in Maple, it is the scrolling marquee below the guild name when you press “Guild”. You get what I mean.) Please remember to mind your manners when writing in either the BBS or in the guild weblog’s tagboard. 3.2 Donations You may be asked occasionally for small sums of money to donate to Guild Funds. You do not have to feel obliged to give donations. You do not have to donate. 3.3 Guild activities You also acknowledge the fact that occasionally, we may ask you to join in celebrations (for example, but not limited to, Guild Birthday celebrations etc). IT IS NOT COMPULSORY TO ATTEND THESE EVENTS. However you are strongly encouraged to go. 3.4 Miscellaneous You accept the fact that on no grounds can you hold any of the guild members responsible for any losses incurred by you. (i.e. we will not be responsible for anything that you lose or any damages you suffer). We may choose to offer a small compensation, but at no obligation; on a case-by-case basis. If you are unable to understand any of the above, kindly approach the GuildMaster for clarification. THIS WILL OVERWRITE ALL OTHER CURRENT GUIDELINES/TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Note that this document may change from time to time. Seeking your kind cooperation and understanding, Your GuildMaster. Last updated 7 December, 2009. |