![]() ![]() [Alliance] [Guilds] [People] [Places] ![]() ![]() [Categories] [Members' Submissions] [Miscelleanous] [Guild Ranking] 255 [Medals] Information ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Dino is also an active screenshots contributor. (: See here: Dino |
Thursday, December 31, 2009 @ 11:03 PM Reflections As I write this post, I'm looking out of the window at the sky. Thinking. Thinking about what has happened during the past few hours, the past few days, the past few weeks even! So much has happened. So much, that I am unable to write them all down for fear of losing my readers or my sanity. But I'll just list out 2 unpleasant memorable incidents. I say they're unpleasant, because they made me have negative thoughts and feel negative emotions. But I say memorable because they are. Some people say that unpleasant things are more memorable than pleasant ones. Now, I won't jump to conclusions, but for this case, it is true. Good things did come out of those 2 experiences, no doubt, but, pondering through them now, I still think that they are rather post-worthy. In part because I can criticise and lament, and in part because I feel the need to point out those good things as well. Last week (Or was it the week before? I can't remember when, which I suppose, is a good thing. Because bad things ought not to be remembered), we organised a GPQ (Keane's idea, not mine). Realising that we have a stunning lack of mages with level 17 teleport, a few of us decided to go to the Free Market and recruit. From a biased perspective, I never really fancied that idea. But we had no choice. It was either this, or we call off the GPQ, because we will be unable to complete the 2nd stage, which, is, in my opinion, un-productive. But enough of that. To the main point. So we went to the FM in Channel 20. We asked something along the lines of "Any mage with level 17 teleport want GPQ?" Until, of course, I caught a glimpse of something in the chatbox, which was quickly pushed out of sight by someone else's chat. But it was an important something, so I scrolled up. And saw the message. "Guild with no mage shameless". Shameless. He called MSNoobSterZ shameless. We're shameless. You're shameless, I'm shameless. The whole guild is shameless. Shameless. Of course, I lost control... [Blah blah blah you all know what happened next. I won't elaborate here. Blah blah blah.] Well, we went to look for the guy, and he did not seem remorseful at all. In fact, we even got into a mini debate on ENGLISH. Goodness. He asked me sarcastically, for the meaning of 'shameless'. Naturally my first reaction was to give him a definition in MY WAY, but I decided against it and fetched the dictionary instead. Immodest and imprudent. Then he lamblasted me for not knowing what 'shameless' meant. Heck, what do you know, person who says 'you is' instead of 'you are'? I know the meanings of those 2 words. So shut up. I cannot remember whose idea was it to throw a dictionary. Thank goodness I didn't listen. Because he is not worth my time. Now, after that incident, looking back, I realised that, maybe I over-reacted a little bit. A miniscule bit. But, what someone says in-game, has to come from a real feeling, a real emotion right? For example, (and now digressing a little) saying "I love you" to your Maple GF/BF/whatever may constitute as a simply 'virtual' thing. I mean, I have heard of people who have real life partners and who are attached virtually to a different person as well. I know, I know, different people have different 'rules' as to this, for example, some people think that you cannot have a virtual partner if you're attached in real life, etc etc etc. But that's a whole different issue, and out of our radar scope. However, what some do not realise is that, by saying 'I love you' to someone virtually, deep down inside, you may actually mean it. Like, how do you say 'muacks' without expression in real life? Surely you must be smiling secretly to yourself in real life? Then you look forward to talking to them in Maple etc. Because, what happens to your virtual character in the game, actually affects you as well. Don't believe me? Try being angry in Maple without getting angry in real life. See? I told you so. Another incident in which I have an unpleasant memory of, was that of the KS-ing in Spooky. Now, for those who were involved, I won't go through what happened, but for those who don't, well, basically, one of our guild members got KS-ed by a notorious KS-er from an equally notorious guild. Ahem. Well, I won't go through the bad points for these, because firstly, many people should know what it's like to be KS-ed, and secondly, I am tired. It's 11 p.m. on New Year's Eve! I did realise one good thing though. When our guildmate got KS-ed, people asked their buddies for help. Some of these buddies went on to call THEIR buddies for help, and some of...oh you get my point. What struck me was that some of these people, they seemed so determined to KS back the KS-er. Now, I won't say it's a good thing, but it reflects something good, at least. That people care. That people would stand up for innocent Maplers. And that's a good thing, because the world really could use people like this. Well, tell you what. I wish to be one of those people too. To, according to CCN and wyte and numerous others, 'fight for justice' and 'defend what's right'. A Bishop spammed me for free that day. I wish to do the same thing too, when I'm a Bishop, for a Priest next time. Whilst it may be just little exp to me, whatsmore considering the pots cost, but to somebody else, it could mean a lot. A simple act of graciousness and kindness can make somebody's day. So, go ahead, make somebody's day. Happy New Year =) Here's a toast to 2010! Cheers :D and i wanna be the bishop who spams for free, fights for justice, and defends what is right. is it possible? only time will tell (: Labels: My 10 Mesos' Worth ![]() Tuesday, December 29, 2009 @ 9:01 PM Countdown 2010
![]() Labels: Guild-related ![]() @ 1:57 PM Lirin's Ring Yes, I got it! =D And Arans are really fun to play as once they reach level 45. (Combo smash! Go read up more about it; it's a very good skill, but I'm too lazy to explain). And, yes, the ring is PERMANENT. Though you have till 31st May to get it. =) (But Arans level really fast with MC.) ![]() See! Proof! ^ =) One last thing. Very important. Congratulations wytemagician on achieving level 100! He is our first 'home-grown' level 100, having been with us since he was young enough to go MC (Season 1). Once, again, congratulations! ![]() A belated Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year to everyone! Rock[: ![]() @ 9:18 AM Updates and others We have more GP! Ohya, we're having a party (to celebrate a belated Christmas, and a early New Year and guild birthday [18th Jan]) on 31st dec, New Year's Eve. It will be at 11 in the morning. We are also having a Countdown to 2010. It will be from 11.30 p.m. to 12.15 a.m. =) That's all! Rock[: Labels: Guild-related ![]() Friday, December 25, 2009 @ 10:13 AM Merry Christmas! MSNoobSterZ wishes all Christians a Merry Christmas! =) Warm regards, Rock[: ![]() Wednesday, December 23, 2009 @ 7:02 PM GPQ! Hey all! GPQ tomorrow (24 Dec, Thursday) @ 12.30 P.M. Meet at Perion! =) Regards, Rock[: Labels: Guild-related ![]() Tuesday, December 22, 2009 @ 9:09 PM GPQ on 24 Dec? Who wants GPQ on 24 Dec? It's Keane's idea, not mine. F3 KEANE! Okay, anyone interested just say so. So I can gauge the level of response. Keane's been waiting for eons to massacre Ergoth. Let us allow him to do the honours. =) P.S. The 5th post in a day! Yes! A new RECORD~ Ohya, in case anyone noticed, our guild weblog is 1 YEAR OLD! Happy birthday to MSNoobSterZ weblog! Yay! =D Labels: Guild-related ![]() @ 9:06 PM Alliance Event! We had the alliance event today; it was organised by Nut, Xianpei and me (: Hahas. It didn't go as well as planned. ): We met at 4, but alot of people were late... and by 4.40, everything was still a disorganised mess! Grah. I was so frustrated. It was really maddenning. Next time, don't jump around. Listen to our instructions. ;D I think everything fell into place around 4.50, which was the time our event was meant to end. At least according to me. =) For those who were not present, we basically split the people there into 2 teams. They were to decorate a Christmas tree, and the three organisers would be judging. They had to stop decorating by 5.05 (about 10 minutes or so) Now, for the screenshots! (which are used for non-commercial purposes) ![]() ![]() This part of the event had problems too. Calculation errors, and people finding it really boring. I'm sincerely sorry to those who disliked the event today. I can tell, I am not stupid. I can tell whether you enjoy the event, just pretending to, or really hate it. Okay? If you have any feedbacks/comments (be it negative or positive) please SAY SO. Thank you! Much regards and thanks, Rock[: P.S. Sorry for the late uploads, I was unable to do so yesterday night. >< Sorry! Well, here they are! Edited to save time and space! =) Labels: Guild-related ![]() @ 1:45 PM I linked me Hahas, third post today! It's a new record! Fine, maybe not. Hahas. Ok I linked me. As in I created a weblog MAINLY for my next year's art project. This is so because then if my teacher asked for a journal full of reflections from me, I can refer her to that. =) lols. Or I don't think she would, but nevermind. And also because I think I'll need feedback from people. So I guess it helps (: (Feedback, like "colour too contrasting" etc.) And support! It's a 10 month long project. >D I need inspiration from wherever I can get from. ._. I don't think I'll be putting a tagboard there, because if my teacher were to go and really see..then. Ah. LOLS so any comment you can comment on the posts there, or on the tagboard here. And I put both weblogs under this account -_- which didn't seem like a good idea at first, but I find it rather convenient now. =) Just writing this post to notify you all. Bye! Rock[: ![]() @ 8:51 AM Alliance Event 4PM @ Happyville Er. Sorry for the late notice >< Alliance event at 4 p.m. today (ookayy really late notice, sorry!) at Happyville. You all know how to get there right? Ya, basically this was organised by the GuildMasters, for all of you! MSNOOBSTERZIANS! (i.e. the people in MSNoobSterZ, but I can't think of a suitable name. Say Em - as - nuub - ster - zee - an. Say it a few times, and say it fast. You'll get the pronunciation right after a while =D ) Go for the event! Strongly encouraged! If nobody but me shows up to represent MSNoobSterZ, So, go if you're free! Go! >D Much thanks, Rock[: Labels: Guild-related ![]() @ 8:45 AM 185 GP! -_- 185 GP! Don't ask. Okay, I'll say anyway. It all started with a passing comment. Whilst logged in as my (noob) Aran, I noticed that there were 6 people online (finally). So I casually (and gleefully, no doubt) commented "Yay! We have achieved GPQ status!" Then many people started saying "I want! I want to go GPQ!" I tried, I really did try. I kept telling them "Not now.." "No, it was a COMMENT". Grah. Didn't work though. In the end they did a VOTE -_- Majority won, so OKAY, I logged in as Rock. We were stuck on the 2nd stage again, this time because none of the 3 mage classes present had level 17 teleport. -_- So we stopped there. 185 GP! - END of the GPQ Report - Then we went to Happyville after that. Not everyone went though, because some people had got to go. We decorated trees, wrote our name (the usual stuff every year. If you've seen my last year posts, you'll know xD ) and took screenshots. I only have a few with me though. I was unable to take everyone! Because I was not in the centre! >D Sinrick! Send me the screenshots soon. Or I'll plague you. =P - END of the Mini Party Report - Okay someone suggested making a Facebook wall. Now, I am vaguely aware some of you are below 13. AHEM. Lols, so basically I'll lock it so you can get in only through the admin(s) inviting. But do you all WANT IT? If you support this idea, please LEAVE A COMMENT. ANYWHERE. Ook fine, not ANYWHERE. Leave on tagboard or BBS. Okay? Thank you! Rock[: Labels: Guild-related ![]() Sunday, December 20, 2009 @ 7:47 PM Asiasoft Christmas!
Fine, I was actually there for only about half an hour or so, but that still counts right? Hahas. Above is a photo I took of the place, from the 2nd floor. Hahas =) I went today. Below is our (my brother and I) loot: Ok, I'll indicate on the next photo. =) My loot are circled in red. It's not much actually. 1 EZ Link sticker 2 posters (W3K and 2010 Calendar) 1 Ray City Standee 1 Santa Clad (the NRIC one F3) There. That's all. ALL ARE FREE =D Hahas. Anyway, enough of that. Something more interesting now. I was kinda wondering whether the people there were volunteers, or whether they worked for Asiasoft. Because I was kinda interested in volunteering FOR FREE, maybe for next year or something, hahas. F3. Anyways, I decided to ask someone. Whilst my mum, my brother and I were at the cashier, paying money and collecting stuff, I approached this lady standing next to the counter. I went, "Hello.." She smiled =). Phew. Half the battle won! "Erm, can I ask a random question?" "Okay =) ," all smiles. "Mm, do you work for Asiasoft, or are you all volunteers?" "We work for Asiasoft =)" "Okay, thanks..." LOLS! Ok so that's the answer to my question. Maybe they need volunteers next year? Hahas, count me in! =D ![]() Wednesday, December 16, 2009 @ 3:31 PM Alert! VERY IMPORTANT! Okay, serious time. A friend of mine just lost some really valuable equipments to a hacker. Apparently, some guy just walked past him, and GET THIS - My friend's overall, cape and staff immediately DISAPPEARED. He's filing a GM report, but he thinks there's not much that anyone can do now. To all HACKERS, get a life. That doesn't involve happiness at others' expenses. Have you ever thought how the poor victim will feel? Have you ever questioned yourself so? Have you given a second thought to the consequences of your actions, or is the lure of money so tempting? So tempting that you resort to such sneaky, underhand tactics to steal from others. Yes, I say steal because it's true. Have you no sense of compassion, no sense of DIGNITY, even? Get a life. ![]() @ 10:15 AM Fun fun fun!
Hahas, couldn't think of a better title. Anyway anyway before I forget, here was what happened yesterday: 1) The MSNoobSterZ Great Race Maple! 2) GPQ! I came in Maple around 10.30, but actually I was already using the computer since 9 (on MSN, haha). Well, around 10, it was realised that one person couldn't make it. Then we were down to 5. With only less than 1 hour left till the Race started, there was not much time left. So I logged in Maple, and found 2 of the participants already waiting in Lith Harbour. *ahem* Lols. Then we played hide-and-seek, haha. The seeker couldn't find me ;D When everyone came, I briefed them. However, I learnt one lesson from this: NEVER TRY TO BRIEF PEOPLE FOR MORE THAN 2 MINUTES. Their minds start wandering off. >> So I sent them off, and headed straight to Orbis Cloud Park. The race took much longer than expected. SORRY EVERYONE! >< (It took 2hours++ instead of the expected 1. This could have been partially due to a mass DC sometime during the race, can't remember the time) People kept on asking me to re-confirm details and everything, and sooner or later, a misunderstanding was bound to occur. A few misunderstandings occurred, which I shall not go into detail here lest bad feelings are aroused again, but they're (hopefully) solved now, so yah. Yay! Then we gathered at Empty House II in Ludibrium for debriefing and prize presentation. Congratulations once again to both teams! =D Then it was decided that those (in Ludi then) who wished to go for GPQ will have to gather at Empty House II at 3, then we'll all head off to GPQ together. =) I just took this randomly. =) And apparently we found ourselves a guild house? (According to AhhJ, our guild house is now Empty House II). Looks like SinRick (IGN shortened) can now continue with his declares of "Private property! No trespassing!" xD On the ship from Ludibrium to Orbis! Cheese...burger! No cheese burger in this one. =) wyte: MSSter (a.k.a. yours truly) is emo-ing. my response: -_- And then everyone came here too! ._. Before - 155 GP After - 170 GP (Not much, we only did the first stage.) The Longinus Spear looks cool! It's awesome! ^^ Further inspiration to draw more. =) That's AhhJ and I at Nuris. No one else stopped to take a SS. ): Hahas, nvm. Everyone's busy. Ya ya, I know today's blogpost isn't up to my usual standard (i.e. smileys peppering the whole post and my usual weird commentaries.) But I'm tired, and I have this pile (once again, exaggerating~) of homework beckoning at me, and reaching out to me with its evil tendrils and calling in its raspy voice, my name. So ya, I'm tired, and I don't think I can do it. There's an odd numbness that's not physical. I think it's psychological. It's not as though I'm sick or anything; just this feeling of surreality (if that's even a word). Like something WHOOSH just happened, something big, and I'm feeling its after effects. This is a weird feeling, which words can't describe; and even if words CAN describe, I don't think I have that capability. Suddenly I'm back to my whiny self again. And it sickens me. I look through the previous posts (the older ones), and I ask myself: "Is this me? It doesn't seem like." And another thing bothers me, apart from the homework with its evil tendrils and raspy voice. This other thing starts with an 'E' and ends with a 'S' (or a 'N', if you must insist). EXPECTATIONS. It's an interesting word, really. On one hand, it brings some people a certain sense of pride. On the other, it constitutes a whole load of slaving away and what not, just to meet other people's standards of you. Sometimes you do it not for yourself, but for other people. You do things sometimes not because you really wish to, because you really yearn for the desired outcome, but instead you do it because people expect you to do so. (Ok I'm lapsing into my weird-commentary state again, together with all the complaints and moans. But just bear with me for a little while k? This phase goes off as soon as it had arrived.) Now, sometimes when I type here (this applies solely to these kind of posts, the long whiny draggy ones. Or at least the later part of it, haha) I go into this sort of state whereby everything around me takes a dream-like existence, and I just keep typing non-stop, eyes on the screen, not looking at the keyboard, and my thoughts just come rushing out before I even think through properly. It's almost mechanical, this feeling. I'm mouthing the words in my head whilst I type them, and my fingers just go across the keyboard. The K here, the E there, the Y placed very near the K, but a few keys from the E etc etc. And this process just goes on and on. Till I finally derive some sort of satisfaction from the mindless, aimless typing. It doesn't come sooner, but neither do I wish for it to come later. Sometimes I wonder if I even make sense, typing all the posts in the category of "My 10 Mesos' Worth". FYI, in this category you'll normally find the posts that are long, whiny, complainy, and draggy. But these are the ones that reflect more of who I am, rather than just comments and captions on photos. Sometimes I wonder whether anyone would read this. Even I myself, after typing it out, wouldn't even glance through. No edits, no nothing. And then, months later, when I go through them, I feel awkward, embarrased even. Then I wonder why I even typed those out in the first place. But I just get this sense of satisfaction when I do this, even though I know I can perfectly well type it out all on Notepad and stash it somewhere in the forsaken corners of Lappy (my laptop), who would never reveal it to anyone. Till of course, a few months later (again), I chance upon them, and start deleting them without even glancing twice, feeling embarrassed to have these around. Okay I'm starting to feel that sense of satisfaction, so I guess I can stop soon. Oh wait, no, that's the feeling of urgency. The sense of need to manage my time properly, and to start my homework. It's the evil tendrils and the raspy voice, I knew it. Labels: Guild-related, My 10 Mesos' Worth ![]() Sunday, December 13, 2009 @ 8:52 PM The Race Confirmations Confirmation of date, time and place for the Race: Date: 15 Dec 2009, Tuesday Time: 11 a.m. Place: Lith Harbour. Channel to be decided on the day itself. Remember to report BY 11 A.M. SHARP. Please be punctual, or else your team would leave late, or may even face disqualification. You will also alter all the timings and whatnot. So DON'T BE LATE! :O Thank you! Rock[: Labels: Guild-related ![]() Saturday, December 12, 2009 @ 1:46 PM GPQ Hello! Would anyone like GPQ after the race on Tuesday? We can take a break after the race, then proceed to GPQ! How about that? (: Regards, Rock[: Labels: Guild-related ![]() Thursday, December 10, 2009 @ 9:37 AM The Great Race Maple!
The MSNoobSterZ Great Race: Maple! Hosted by: silentXDCo-hosted by: RockOwnerXD Sponsored by: silentXD and RockOwnerXD Contest open only to Cassiopeia World players. (The following information is typed in obnoxiously big fonts). DATE: 15 DECEMBER (WE CAN PUSH DATE BACK!). TIME: 11 A.M. (WE CAN CHANGE TOO) LOCATION: LITH HARBOUR. Heyhey! Ever wondered what it's like to take part in an ACTUAL contest like The Amazing Race (and similar ones)? Well, NOW HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! ATTRACTIVE PRIZES TO BE WON (BY ALL!) SIGN UP NOW! SIGN UP NOW! (it's free!) Points to note: - 2 people per team. Team members would be ASSIGNED BY THE HOSTS. IN THE EVENT THAT WE HAVE AN UNEVEN NUMBER, WE MAY CHOOSE TO REORGANISE TEAMS. - Money will be given to all teams. This would be enough for transportation costs. - ATTRACTIVE PRIZES TO BE WON! (i.e. mesos) - The Great Race Maple will involve: a) the killing of monsters b) height elements c) travelling across great distances. Attempt at your own risk; you may die. We at MSNoobSterZ will not compensate you. NOTE THAT THIS CONTEST IS OPEN TO ALL! ESPECIALLY GUILD MEMBERS! ALLIANCE MEMBERS ARE WELCOME TO JOIN TOO. BUDDIES OF GUILD MEMBERS AND RANDOM STRANGERS ARE WELCOME TOO. :) HOWEVER, in the event that we have insufficient people signing up, we may have to either make you all go INDIVIDUALLY, or we may postpone, or worst, cancel :o So don't make us cancel! Sign up now, either through guild tagboard or BBS! EVERYONE'S A WINNER IN THE MSNOOBSTERZ GREAT RACE: MAPLE!! Labels: Guild-related ![]() Monday, December 7, 2009 @ 6:47 PM MSNoobSterZ New Guidelines
MSNoobSterZ New Guidelines With effect from 8 December 2009, the following guidelines will apply. It is compulsory for members to abide by the following. Failure to do so may lead to verbal warnings, demotion or expulsion (not limited to those only). By entering the guild “MSNoobSterZ”, you accept the following guidelines. 1. Activity 1.1 You have to login at least 3 times a week. This 3 times need not necessarily be for training. Note that there is no time frame for you to stay online. You may choose to simply log in and then log out; that is up to you. Of course, we (i.e. the Jr Masters and yours truly, the GuildMaster) would not know how often you log in per week. But come server checks, your name and related information would be displayed as “????”. If the “????” were to stay for a prolonged period of time (i.e. for more than 3 weeks), you would be subjected to expulsion. To continue on with the points mentioned in 1.1, let me state the rationale of this move. Kicking people out of the guild is not exactly my cup of tea, but owing to certain circumstances, let me explain. It has come to my attention that our guild is becoming less and less active. Recent feedbacks have also prompted me to push forward these new guidelines. A certain someone (shall I mention your name or shall I not?) has given me valuable insights as to how to run a guild properly. This certain someone mentioned about a ratio. Now let me elaborate on this. 1.2 The ratio This ratio, as put forth by a member of the guild (who is experienced himself) is as follows: In order to ensure that the guild makes good progress monthly, a certain balance has to be maintained. That is, among every 5 people, there has to be 4 active ones and 1 inactive* one. The 4 active ones would have to be “forced” to make up for that 1 inactive individual. This ratio translates into the fact that for every 20 people, there should be 16 active and 4 inactive. *Now, before people start thinking it is contradictory, let me explain. The “inactive” individual, as denoted by the * sign, is not really “inactive” in that sense. It simply means that this person is either a) inactive for lesser than 3 weeks or b) an exception case, which I shall explain in part 1.3. 1.3 Exceptions There would always be a few exceptional cases in the guild. These people are exempt from certain guidelines on activity. How to “become” an exception: a) Application of leave from the GuildMaster. For example, you have your exams coming up in a few weeks’ time. You wish to revise for them and hence are unable to login for a few weeks. Ask the GuildMaster, and leave would be given (case-by-case basis). But please do not betray my trust. Never lie. However, do not expect me to give you a one-year leave. That’s absurd. To apply for this, however, you have to be specific. E.g. which date your exams start, and which date they end. You also have to provide me a start date for your leave, and an end date. The moment the end date arrives, I expect you to be back in the guild. b) Parental consent not given. Ya, ya, that’s a rather common sight I see among the younger players. However, if you know your parents would never consent to you logging 3 times a week, LET ME KNOW ASAP. So that I can remember your names, and would not kick you out. c) On a case-by-case basis. 2. General behaviour Many of you are generally well-behaved. However there would always be the occasional black sheep who would tarnish the guild name. Let me lay down several regulations. 2.1 Mind your manners Be mindful of others. I am not asking you to be a Mr. or Miss. Courtesy, but showing a basic level of respect to other players is not asking much actually. Refrain (I say refrain because I am human too) from scolding others and/or humiliating them publicly. Respect general guidelines. 2.2 No begging If you need mesos, either get them yourself or ask nicely from friends. DO NOT BEG PUBLICLY. However, you also acknowledge the fact that we (Members of the guild) are at no obligation to help you. Repeated asking / begging (for example, but not limited to, "Mesos pl0x" [Mesos please]) may get you a verbal warning. This is on a case-by-case basis. Members of the guild may render assistance, but they should never be forced to give money or other items. 2.3 No kill-stealing (KS-ing) Do not KS. It does not reflect well on you or on the guild. If you are caught KS-ing, a verbal warning would be issued. However, if you still choose to KS other people even after repeated warnings, you would face demotion or expulsion. This is on a case-by-case basis. Moreover, I may make you apologise to the victim(s). 3. Guild-related guidelines 3.1 Information The Bulletin Board System (BBS) and the guild weblog are channels of communication between members of the guild. Occasionally, information would be dispatched via these means. To keep up to date, you are strongly encouraged to regularly check on them, especially the BBS. If the information is really relevant/interesting, a brief note would be placed in the Guild Notice (in Maple, it is the scrolling marquee below the guild name when you press “Guild”. You get what I mean.) Please remember to mind your manners when writing in either the BBS or in the guild weblog’s tagboard. 3.2 Donations You may be asked occasionally for small sums of money to donate to Guild Funds. You do not have to feel obliged to give donations. You do not have to donate. 3.3 Guild activities You also acknowledge the fact that occasionally, we may ask you to join in celebrations (for example, but not limited to, Guild Birthday celebrations etc). IT IS NOT COMPULSORY TO ATTEND THESE EVENTS. However you are strongly encouraged to go. 3.4 Miscellaneous You accept the fact that on no grounds can you hold any of the guild members responsible for any losses incurred by you. (i.e. we will not be responsible for anything that you lose or any damages you suffer). We may choose to offer a small compensation, but at no obligation; on a case-by-case basis. If you are unable to understand any of the above, kindly approach the GuildMaster for clarification. THIS WILL OVERWRITE ALL OTHER CURRENT GUIDELINES/TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Note that this document may change from time to time. Seeking your kind cooperation and understanding, Your GuildMaster. Last updated 7 December, 2009. ![]() |