[Alliance] [Guilds] [People] [Places] [Categories] [Members' Submissions] [Miscelleanous] [Guild Ranking] 255 [Medals] Information Dino is also an active screenshots contributor. (: See here: Dino |
Sunday, August 30, 2009 @ 8:58 PM
Heyhey! :D Lols I have been on the computer for nearly 12 hours now. :P But that is besides the point. The point is, I have made many many improvements to MSNoobSterZ v0.04 template. It's about 75% done. What's left is the header and footer pictures; the codings are done, the background is done... phew. It was a MAMMOTH TASK. But thank goodness it's 75% done. So, more news on it! The header picture will be in gif this time round; I'll be doing GIF ANIMATIONS! YAY! I LOVE GIF ANIMATIONS! But enough of that. *ahem* And I finished the grass! Okay, none of you know what I am talking about. But once the new template comes out, you'll see. I am still sourcing for a hits counter; it's pretty hard to find one that is user-friendly, is not associated with atdmt (that pretty much ruled out 50% or so of the hit counters on the Net) and one which is highly customizable, allowing me to tweak the counter a little. On another note, I also finished the SyNerGy alliance page. Note that I've been postponing it since May, so...ya. But the alliance weblog is up and running! Woo! But I don't know what to post there. So I kinda left it blank, except for the tests posts. Yay! I feel accomplished! Well, I think that's about it. I suppose I better get off the computer now; it may overheat :P With that, I wish you all HAPPY MAPLING! :D Webmaster, `ROCK[: Labels: Website-related @ 12:17 PM MSNoobSterZ! Oddly, this is probably the first time I put our Guildname as the title. Well, it does have some link to what I am going to say now. Like all my posts, this is going to be a little bit long and boring, if you must say so. Because today, I am planning to instill in ALL OF YOU IN MSNOOBSTERZ a feeling of pride and a sense of belonging to our guild! Yay! (About time. -_-) Below is a silly poem for all of you to read, because I feel that many of you are probably bored already. If you cannot seem to get the 'rhythm', try clapping and going "Once - upon - a time / I tried - to get this - to rhyme..." etc. Get it? =) Once upon a time, I tried to get this to rhyme. But I failed terribly And it ended horribly But that's not the point of this post. You see, dear reader, what matters the most Is not that this doesn't rhyme, But instead the fact that it is time To instill guild pride in y'all. And ensure there's peace evermore. Peace and belonging; important it is With respect to times like this. What's crucial to our survival Is not just a revival Of a guild that's semi-active But also that not all's receptive Of future implementations Which, may thus, have severe implications For the well-being of us I feel that we must - Talk more, interact more; Be it helping others get an ore, Et cetera, et cetera et cetera. Talk; WhEnEvEr, whreva In w4at3ver euu want. - Laugh, cry, encourage, rant - Pig latin, dog latin, is welcome too, Provided of course people understand you. Interact; greet others by saying just 'hi', And when they're going, reply a 'bye'. Now, I'm sick of getting this to rhyme, So I guess it is time, To say goodbye - but wait! Please remember what I said In this whole poem - if you were Not paying attention, please read the above Till you feel it's enough To get an idea, be it rough. As long as we work together, In peace and harmony forever, Only then can I say: "and... MSNoobSterZ lived happily ever after" - the end Read! Again and again and again and again! =D With much hopes for MSNoobSterZ, Cheers, `ROCK[:, GuildMaster of MSNoobSterZ. 30 August 2009. Labels: Guild-related Friday, August 28, 2009 @ 9:41 PM CherishFrens joins SyNerGy! Greetings to all Earthlings! Behold! The addition of a guild to our GLORIOUS alliance! I am deeply proud to announce that CherishFrens has joined SyNerGy! Can I have a round of applause please? Louder, I can't hear it from here >D We are pleased to welcome Xianpei, GuildMaster of CherishFrens, and her guild! :D We hope you enjoy being in the alliance. :D On this note, WELCOME ONCE AGAIN! `ROCK[: Labels: Guild-related Friday, August 21, 2009 @ 7:53 PM Removal of website hit counter Hello all, Today you would notice that our website hit counter is missing. I have removed it. There were some conflicts between the website in question and my Hosts file, so I was in doubt as to their credibility. Maybe I am wrong, but I have removed it, to keep on the safe side. I will update you all more. Meanwhile I advise you to scan for spyware on your computer. I do not know what is happening now, but I am trying to find out. I strongly encourage you to block pop-ups on this blog for the time being; if you wish to view any pages, in IE, you can press down the CTRL button while clicking on a link. Once again, thank you for your kind co-operaton. We seek your understanding on this matter. Do not panic. With regards and sincere apologies, Webmaster Labels: Website-related Monday, August 17, 2009 @ 6:39 PM Preview of new template Hello! Another screenshot! Ok ignore the green colour bits on top; they're meant to be something else. As in, I am going to put a different picture there. But the green bits on the bottom are intentional; in the new template it will be a picture of GRASS! Yay! And the blue...it is meant to show the sky. Not this shade of colour though; a bit too bright. See the black portions near the top and near the bottom? Well, the top is going to be a new header picture! Yay! And the bottom may be the footer; or I may take that away entirely Well, that scrollbar is not going to stay orange, but rest-assured my FFCC33-lovers, I'll find somewhere to place that nice colour =D. This is really just a rough preview, but the template is roughly like this. At first I was thinking of using the area-coord thing (I don't know how to describe it) like our second version: *Note: I don't use Firefox. This screenshot was not taken by me. (Well, in case you're wondering, our first version was actually the default blog template.) =) Then after that I was thinking of using all tables, like our third version: After messing up many times I gave up on the idea! Here was what I was trying to do : A table! (the black white thing in the centre) within a table! (the white border surrounding) I wanted to have a standard background (the orange, perhaps?). Also, do you see the faint white lines along the vertical side of the table? The bits, which are currently orange, are the - ok this is confusing Ahem, let me try again. Okay, let the black white table inside be table 1. Let the orange table behind be table 2. You with me? Okay, good. =) Now, what I was trying to do was to put a nice image in table 2, but it will be behind table 1, where the contents are. However I also want to put a background image on the lovely FFCC33 background. Confusing, eh? Well I then decided to just give up on that whole idea. There was a similar failed attempt, too. But I'm too lazy to find the screenshot so just try to imagine. I really liked the area-coord thing in version 0.02, but I completely forgot that not everybody's browser windows are 1280pixels wide. -_- (My friend reminded me through that screenshot of version 0.02 above ^) I started work on the area-coord one, but I wasn't very sure whether it was all-resolutions compliant. That is, because area co-ords work on the basis of positioning relative to the top and left, so when you click on a "linked area" it brings you somewhere else, e.g. posts. So what looks good on a 1280 x 800 screen may not necessarily look equally good on a 800 x 600 screen, maybe even messsed up. I wanted to come up with something that was all resolution compliant, so from version 0.03 onwards the maximum width for anything was probably 800pixels, so that those with 800 x 600 resolution screens need not scroll horizontally. =) However I think it is not within my erm...capabilities to make the new template cross-browser compliant. It looks good on IE, but I think some browsers do not permit certain scripts. But actually the scripts are not a "need-to-have", they're currently sort of a "want-to-have". It just makes the blog look more interesting and lively. You can turn off scripts, it's fine. XD And, regarding the screen resolution thing, currently I am thinking of having repetitive grass at the bottom of the blog, and it sorts of extends along with your screen width. So, to see the best effect, it is highly encouraged to have a screen resolution width of more than 800pixels. But it's not necessary, really! =D You can view this at 800 x 600 and I'll be pleased as well. I hope you will too, considering my self-learnt HTML codings. =P Well, on this note, I hope that you will have fun viewing this blog/website in the future, as I had much fun creating the template, and doing the layouts! Cheers! `ROCK[: / Webmaster Labels: Website-related Saturday, August 15, 2009 @ 4:53 PM Short Notification/Reminder Hello all, Ok I shall make this short and sweet, because I have other stuff to work on. Well, this is just a short notification. Actually it may be counted as a REMINDER if I had mentioned this before. Okayy, what I am trying to say is this: Do not link us unless you left a note on the tagboard. The note should contain all of the following: a) Your website/blog URL b) Whether you want us to link you back. (We may or may not. Chances are we probably will, as long as your website/blog is kept child-friendly, insult-free, and does not contain malicious software. On a case-by-case basis.) Please abide by the above. DO NOT LINK unless you specifically notified us! Grah. The following is a sample: YourNameHere: Hello, my blog/website address is: http://www.donotclickonthislinkitdoesnotexistsostopclickingonitimadethisup.com/ Can you link me too? Thank you! Ya, something like the above. Do not click on the link! I made up that address :P Please please remember to notify us. Do not link unless we know about it D: I know the Internet is free for all or something, but please, we have our reasons do doing so. Once again, thank you for your kind co-operation. We seek your understanding. - Webmaster. Labels: Website-related Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 9:29 PM Changing colour schemes Hello all! Ok if you have been following updates and visiting us often, you would know that we are in the midst of creating a new template! Yay! Not to say that the old one (*ahem*, THIS one) is lousy though, just decided to BRIGHTEN things a little. Yes, we're bringing ORANGE in! #FFCC33 to be exact, hahas. Well, as you can see now, our current background has changed from black to - yes! - ORANGE! (#FFCC33!) It is really bright ("argh my eyes!"), but it also adds much liveliness to this blog, don't you think? Well, if you have any feedback, (I'm sure you do ;D ) kindly please do not hesitate to leave us a note on our tagboard there <<< Keep your notes child-friendly and people-friendly, though. No vulgarities! Well, on this note, have fun, and good night! Cheers to #FFCC33! `ROCK[: Labels: Website-related Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @ 7:23 PM Screenshots!
Hello, More screenshots! Managed to edit within 24 hours! *Clapclapclap* NOTE: Although the screenshots were edited during 24 hours, the post is within 48 hours or so, because I couldn't find the formatting buttons yesterday 0o Fun fun fun! ^^ Except for lil, who doesn't wish to smile -_- (Rock and the guy on the Titiana are from MSNoobSterZ :D ) Maybe whacking and smacking him would make him smile... We give up! He just will not smile! Finally. :D Yepps, ss-ing now. :) (Must be some sort of insider joke. He finally got lil to smile. -_-) Cheese! :D *cry*. Lols! Well, that's about all :) P.S. I'm currently drawing a new picture for the guild template/skin. Will show you my progress here, if possible. :) Look out SOON for the new template/skin! I do not know when I would be done, it really depends. ): Anyway, don't worry too much. I'll change it sooner or later xD On this note, CHEERS! :) `ROCK[: Labels: Guild-related, Website-related Friday, August 7, 2009 @ 3:28 PM Preparation of new guild template! Hellos, Shown below is a screenshot. See the orange at the side? Yupps, I'm going to use that orange for the new template. It's a surprise! =) I hope it turns out well. (: Labels: Website-related Monday, August 3, 2009 @ 5:17 PM On Respect for Game Masters Hello, I got the feeling that this may be a rather long post, so if you are willing to read through the whole thing, then I strongly suggest you make yourself comfortable on your seat there. Or if you're on the floor - ah never mind. I am vaguely aware I am meant to be revising for my tests tomorrow, but I feel that this is something I got to say, and I also feel particularly lazy to revise now. Actually I feel lazy all the time. Haha! Ah. :P Well, the issue I wish to address today is probably something that many of you should be familiar with. For those who are not, let me cite an example. *Ahem* **DISCLAIMER** The following is a dramatized version and is not real. Any character(s) featured are a product of my imagination. Any resemblance to any persons is entirely coincidental and not intended. Please do not flame me, I am not saying anything wrong. I am not using vulgar words nor am I resorting to personal attacks on anybody. THE BELOW SITUATION IS FAKE. I THOUGHT OF IT. INSPIRED BY TRUE EVENTS, BUT FAKE NONETHELESS. No, that character isn't me. -_- If there are any GMs reading this, PLEASE, I am not criticising you. I understand your primary role in the game is to keep it peaceful, not to activate 2xs. Read the title, thanks (: (BTW, if there are any GMs reading this, HELLO!~ :D) Anyway, *AHEM*. She glanced nervously at the analogue clock at her table. The clock face read 2pm and 1 second. 2 seconds. 3 seconds... Why hasn't 2x EXP started yet? She wondered anxiously. Come on come on, I got to level NOW. I cannot wait. If that dumb 2x EXP does not start now I cannot level by today! Start! Come on, come on. It's already 44 seconds past 2pm. WHAT is the GM doing?! Her eyes were fixated on the bottom right of the game screen. On it were shown the exp she got from each monster she killed. You have gained experience points (+330) You have gained experience points (+330) You have gained experience points (+330) Drats, she thought. Why hasn't that number changed to 660?! She felt like screaming. Here she was, waiting anxiously. This is wasting time, she thought. Please don't waste my time; hurry activate the 2x! It's already 4 minutes past. Hurry! She glanced at the clock. Is my clock slow? Maybe the battery is dead. I should go look at the clock outside, in the living room. She made her way out, muttering under her breath. Hurry! She wanted to scream. The clock read 7 minutes past 2pm. Why. Hasn't. It. Started?! She sat down on the chair again, eyes riveted to the bottom right of the screen. Anxious and angry, she typed out a message. A message that would, within seconds, convey exactly what she thought about the delay in 2x EXP to the whole Maple world. She was done. Her mouse hovered over the "OK" button, while she checked her message again. Without hesitation, she clicked "OK". The message was displayed in every player's chatbox. "Hurry up give us 2x lar! Waste our time nia. GM stop sleeping or count money!" Now, my immediate reaction to this was, in order of thought: What? There's 2x now? Uh, oops. Oh. This person is so rude. Tsk. *Time lapses* Ah, 2x is cancelled. Oh well. I'm not planning to go GS anyway. The above scenario is based on true events. Now, I do not know what was going in the person's real life, BUT I have seen messages like this before. I shall not post any screenshots of such messages here, even if the names ARE censored, because I still wish to live to a ripe old age. And another point to note is that many of those who mega-phone these sort of messages criticising the Game Masters (GMs) are not 1st jobbers. Many are not beginners, many are not 2nd jobbers; they are 3rd and 4th job Maplers, who are considered "higher-level" by many. Some are even really high level, above level 180 or so. I shall not mention any names here, but if you do wish to know, you can come find me (: If you're one of those people who have mega-phoned such messages before, please do not find me. Thank you! When I saw messages like this, my first reaction would be: (It's probably a 8 year old spoiled brat.) AND I don't think GMs activate 2x. Someone kindly correct me nicely if I am wrong. Well, even if I am wrong and they DO activate 2x EXPs, it is not particularly nice to scold them like this. Okay now I am really going to get killed, but I am going to say this nonetheless. It does not reflect well on you. Fine, so what even if they do activate 2x, what gives you the right to scold them like this?! How would you like it if you weren't sleeping or counting money, but actually trying to fulfill The Whiny Mapler's every moan and groan? What gives you the right to wrongly accuse them? Playing the game is a privilege, not a right. Bear that in mind before you scold GMs. Being able to play the game does not give you any privileges. In fact, playing the game is a privilege in itself. It is not a human right to play computer games and whine. (Playing computer games and whining are, yes, hobbies and interests) Recently, one such megaphone by a really really high level *AHEM. I think you all here should know what I mean by really really high level* got me thinking. In this particular person's megaphone (let us call this person X), X complained WITHOUT proper capitalisation (oh the horror!) about the GM's lack of ability to activate 2x EXP. Now, before anyone starts scolding me for being unfair and only stating one side, let me say that this was mega-phoned about 10 minutes after the designated time slot of 2x starting, then maybe we can try to understand why the person was so angry and upset. But what shocked me most was the person's total disregard of respect for GMs. Ok, fine, maybe I was exaggerating when I said that, but I felt so. And this is not just some level 1 who has just started playing and does not really know what is going on, but this is a really really high level complaining to the whole world about the GM's inability to activate 2x on time. I expected better of you, tsk. I always looked up to people like X as veteran "role models" who respect others, and whom are deserving of our respect, what with the experience in the game and all that. Now that I see you for who you really are, I am not so sure anymore. You may not know me, but I know who you are, and I will not forget what you said that day. What was equally appalling was that there were others who echoed this opinion. I am not saying that those who complain about GMs are in the wrong, I am just saying, at least give them some RESPECT in PUBLIC. Maybe you could have said "GM, kindly activate 2x please. Thank you." instead of putting it across so bluntly. It all boils down to a matter of personal choice. How you wish to bring your message across is up to you, but kindly bear in mind that GMs are humans too. They are not self-answer-generating machines, but they are real humans who can see what you have callously typed, and who do have feelings as well. They are people just like you and me, who deserve respect. I applaud them for their decision to be GMs, knowing that they have to put up with a minority of players, who are otherwise The Whiny Maplers. It is always difficult to please everybody. So, please, show respect to GMs, if you wish to deserve respect as well. Thanks! Don't flame me D: ~Rock[: Labels: My 10 Mesos' Worth Saturday, August 1, 2009 @ 7:28 PM Random Hello, just another random post. Hope y'all have patched, and are doing the Independence Day quests. BTW, regarding the mystery boxes, you require KEYS to open them. The keys are purchasable from the Cash Shop. I do not remember the exact price, but I believe the gold one goes for 3k @cash. (So expensive right?!) Just pointing out something. heeh. (: |