[Alliance] [Guilds] [People] [Places] [Categories] [Members' Submissions] [Miscelleanous] [Guild Ranking] 255 [Medals] Information Dino is also an active screenshots contributor. (: See here: Dino |
Sunday, April 19, 2009 @ 8:23 PM Cookies There's cookies on this website! =O Note that it is not MY cookies or our website's, but instead one of the 3rd party softwares on it (either the Cbox or the Website Counter) Ahh! I'm so sorry! I'll try to find the source of the cookie and stop it as soon as possible. Labels: Website-related Thursday, April 9, 2009 @ 7:15 PM Private Servers Today I shall talk about a serious issue. Yay! Lols. Okay, ever wondered WHY people create private servers, even though they're obviously illegal? I mean, they PAY money for a good internet connection, so that more people can come on their servers to play. They PAY to get in TROUBLE. How interesting, don't you think? But ever wondered the REASON behind it? I feel that, and all this is solely my OWN personal opinion, all humans like having a sense of OWNERSHIP. It's like, say, buying books, when we can well borrow them from the library. Fine, not EVERYONE buys books when they can borrow them, but for a handful of people, that is so. Humans like to own stuff. They wish to be in control. Humans will feel INSECURE without control. Moreover, a large number of people play Maple. These people are up to challenges - but not too tough ones. People start playing private servers ONLY once they a) Find Maple too challenging and hard to level; b) Feel bored of the REAL Maple; and c) No one playing with them. Private servers were created by people FOR people. They know what players want. Players are hoping for challenges, but not too tough ones. So in private servers, where the EXP, drop and meso rates are higher (e.g. 20x, 20x, 20x), they will still find it challenging enough to play, but not as hard to attain that elusive 4th job status or to get 2.147 billion mesos in their inventory. However, note that there are some private servers with 9999x rates, but very few play. Why is that so? The reason is because, it is TOO EASY. It's for similar reasons that games which require you to level gets harder progressively, because you need more exp in level 2 than in level 1. I mean, what is the point of killing a snail, and going to 2nd job immediately? Sorts of defeats the purpose. Some people play private servers because they wish to see their character do - oh, i don't know, Assassinate or some high level skill. By playing private servers with insane high rates, they will accomplish their - uhh - goal quickly. But after a while, it gets MONOTONOUS. It gets REPETITIVE. *Kill mushroom, level 30 levels* *Kill mushroom, level 20 levels* etc etc. That's why few people actually play servers with insane high rates. It's because there's no challenge! I did a bit of research before writing this, and in some websites that advertise private servers (pardon me, Asiasoft. It's for the greater good of humanity) I found that out of the top few "highest-ranking" private servers, quite a few had drops less than 20x. There was even one with 4x EXP, 6x Mesos, and 2x Drops! The drop rate, compared to the real Maple, was nearer, as compared to the typical 100x kind of drops you find in many private servers. People want challenges that are not too hard, but at the same time, not so easy. And as for people who get bored playing Maple, the reason is so simple. They get bored because, THEY DO! It's the same between people. There's just no chemistry! These sort of people normally either get their characters to the starting of the 1st job, (i.e. level 10) and stop after they job advance. Why? It's simple. They did not expect too much. They simply told themselves: 'Oh, I'm going to go 1st job. The end.' Then when they attained their goals, they just quit. For the last reason, the people who stop playing because no one else is playing with them, it is due to, say, good friends quitting Maple, or being inactive for a long period of time. After awhile, they realise their friend is not coming back to play, and they probably quit for good. These people play Maple not only to attain higher levels, but also to socialise. After quitting Maple, a few do switch to private servers, hoping to find new 'friends' there. However, it is hard to find a good friend in private servers. Firstly, many people are quite uptight over their personal information, e.g. email, when you ask for it. This is because private servers are ILLEGAL. What if that person was an Asiasoft agent in disguise or something? (Technically that is breaking the rules. But since private servers are wrong in the first place, I suppose wrong cancels wrong. Negative x Negative = Positive!) Secondly, people come to private servers, is just to train and reach that high level mark. Many do not care really, about other social aspects. It's train, train, train. For example, you can be a level 150 person, with 1 fame. It's not that you don't want fame, it's that NO ONE fames you. It's high level before social skills. Some people cannot be bothered to talk to others, simply because they are rushing to a certain level. It's quite sad really. But then again, private servers were not made with the intent of socialising in mind. Overall, I feel that those are the reasons why people play private servers. Ya, I'll be editing this when I have time. (: Labels: My 10 Mesos' Worth @ 7:15 PM Guild rules Okay this post is way overdue. Oops, sorry >< Rule 1: No KS-ing Rule 2: No vulgarities. Rule 3: Respect others and be nice. Rule 4: No spamming Rule 5: Follow all rules And now for the unofficial rules... ;D Lol! Rule 7(a): If you see people being KS-ed, inform the respective people, and try to help to the best of your ability. Rule 7(b): Panda and Rock are so leng lui. Everytime you call them, you have to address them with the term "Leng lui" inside. XD Rule 8: [Blank space] 0_o;;; Rule 9: Be CRAZY! And now for other stuff. (: Super slash!
Flying poke!
The Chain Reaction.
Rule 10: Do not follow them. -_-
Rule 11: Don't listen to Leo!
Rule 12: Stop making rules.
Hmm, but if we're not meant to listen to Leo, then we do not have to follow HIS rule. :D Ain't I right? (I am, aren't I?)
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