[Alliance] [Guilds] [People] [Places] [Categories] [Members' Submissions] [Miscelleanous] [Guild Ranking] 255 [Medals] Information Dino is also an active screenshots contributor. (: See here: Dino |
Sunday, March 29, 2009 @ 3:52 PM A Love Story~! Once upon a time, in a faraway land, lived a very wealthy family, the Qu3eNs. The Qu3eNs had a lovely daughter by the name of Panda. Mr. Qu3eN, otherwise known as L30N3r, was a rather strict man. He loved his daughter the way all fathers do, however, he was extremely picky in her choice of boyfriends. Panda, however, had other plans up her mind. She and a guy, Rock Owner X.D. were deeply in love. (aww~ how sweet) But the lovers kept their relationship a secret, because if Panda's dad found out, he would not approve, and would make them break-up (boo hoo!) One day, Rock crept into Panda's garden, so that he could meet her. He stood under Panda's window, and whispered her name several times. She did not look out, so in order to get her attention, he started throwing 4 pebbles at the window. She finally saw him, and grinning, ran down to the garden to meet her beloved. What the two of them did not know was that the sound of pebble-throwing had awaken L30N3r from his Rock, upon seeing Panda, was greatly relieved. "I'm so glad to see you! You don't know how much I missed you." He blurted out. "Me too!" Panda replied. "Dear, where's your dad?" Rock asked, worried. He still wanted to keep their relationship a secret, until he could find out a way to please Panda's dad. "I have no idea". Panda whispered, breaking down into little sobs. She knew that if her dad caught her in a relationship with Rock, they could never be together ever again. Rock tried to comfort her. "There, there. Cry no more, my little angel. No one is going to break us up. We'll stay together, forever." Unknown to them, L30N3r was slowly making his way down the stairs to the garden. "Does he know you are meeting me?" Rock asked again, nervous. Suddenly, Panda grew frightened, and she quickly whispered "Daddy! He is coming!" While Rock hid behind a bunch of flowers, Panda greeted her dad as enthusiastically as she could, trying to conceal her disappointment at his sudden appearance. "I better hide! If he catches me, we're so dead!" Rock thought aloud. To Panda's feigned surprise, her dad was angry. She wondered to herself, "Does he know about Rock?" The moment he opened his mouth, she knew the answer. "I don't allow you to marry with that guy, Rock." "Why daddy? Why?" There was no point in keeping their relationship a secret anymore, now that L30N3r knew. Panda started crying, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Because he..." L30N3r started. "He..." L30N3r hesitated. "Yes daddy? Tell me!" Panda urged. "He..." "Because he is your real dad." L30N3r said. The news shocked Rock. He could not help standing up from where he was. "Am I her real dad?" Rock wondered... "Oh no!" Rock cannot marry his own child! "What should I do?" Rock whispered out aloud. Rock came out from where he was hiding, and began. "My dear...I..." Panda started by saying: "You're lying! I don't believe you!" She did not know who was lying to her; her father, or Rock, her beloved boyfriend. "I don't know what to say..." Rock began, as shock started to overwhelm him. Could Panda really be his child? "Dear, are you really my dad?" Panda started crying, not knowing how to react. "I'm sorry, but I don't know either!" Rock cried out. "Now...I have 2 daddies, and no boyfriend anymore!" Panda cried. Finally L30N3r spoke. "You two do realise that it is April Fools' Day today, right?" "But..." Rock wanted the important question addressed immediately. "But..." Rock stammered, and Panda turned to face him, aware that this was The Moment. "Does that mean..." Rock continued, Panda clinging on to every word that Rock was saying. She deliberately closed her eyes, not knowing what to expect. Would her dad agree? "That Panda and I can't be together?" Rock's man-liness started to ebb away, as he began crying. "Nooo!" The lovers began. "No, today is the 1st of April. It is April Fools' Day!" L30N3r was equally puzzled. Don't the two of them get it? "I was lying; Rock is not Panda's father. And about the marriage thing..." His voice trailed off. "So do you approve?" Rock wiped away his tears. "I really congratulate the two of you." L30N3r smiled at the lovers. "Yay!" Panda began. "Yay!" The two of them smiled at each other. "Thank you daddy!" Panda said. "Fast get me a baby muahaha. I want a grandchild leh!" L30N3r joked. *-_-* Panda kissed her boyfriend. Finally, they could be together. She had not expected her father to approve of this relationship. "So when shall we get married?" Rock began. Panda was slightly shocked by Rock's sudden question. "Today?" Both L30N3r and Rock asked at the same time. "Now!" Panda said ecstatically. Tang tang tang tang~ Tang tang tang tang~~ *sound effects* Rock and Panda made their way to the limousine which would take them to the Church. Panda's dad was slightly impatient, and started pressing the car's horn, gesturing for the two of them to please hurry up. Panda and Rock spent the car trip there thinking about their marriage; L30N3r was thinking about his future grandchildren. "Mr. Rock Owner X.D., do you take Miss. Panda Qu3eN as your lawfully wedded wife?" The Priest began. "Yes, and I promise to love her forever." Rock and Panda both smiled. "Miss. Panda Qu3eN, do you take Mr. Rock Owner X.D. as your lawfully wedded husband?" The Priest turned to Panda now. "Yes, I do!" Panda replied. "I now pronounce you...husband and wife." Rock put the ring on Panda's finger. "You may now kiss the bride," the Priest said, smiling happily. With the Priest's and L30N3r's blessings, the couple rode off in their limousine, to live happily ever after. :) (In order of appearance in storyline) Panda Qu3eN - PanDaQu3eN Mr. Qu3eN / L30N3r - L30N3r Rock Owner X.D. - RockOwnerXD Pebble #1 - Pebble #75893 Pebble #2 - Pebble #463746735 Pebble #3 - Pebble #19980 Pebble #4 - Pebble #51314520 'Love & Peace' Statue 1 - 'Love & Peace' Statue 1 'Love & Peace' Statue 2 - 'Love & Peace' Statue 2 Bystander - Sister Clarence Bunch of flowers - Pretty flowers in planter box Registration Advisor - Sister Margaret Wedding Hall Helper - Sister Clarence Priest - L30N3r Emerald jewel - Ring This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anything (including, but not limited to, actual persons, places, things etc) is unintended, and purely coincidental. Screenshots are taken in the game MapleStory (South East Asia). Sunday, March 22, 2009 @ 8:58 PM Website views ahh more traffic! more traffic! Guildmembers! Hello! Today I am going to briefly talk about an important issue. Our Guild website views! ^^ 1600+ and counting. Please tell your friends about our guild website (: hahas. PROMOTE PROMOTE ADVERTISE ADVERTISE. Hahas. More views will make our guild website seem more.. ahem. PROMINENT. ahh. The guild ss are not done editing yet. now at the rules bit. uniform done, but not posted about yet. D: will get to it SOON. hopefully. had the busiest holiday so far. sienz. -_- Remember what I said! Advertise! Spread the message! Lols! :D Labels: Website-related Thursday, March 19, 2009 @ 8:46 PM On Blank Walls
Breaking news! Judgement has left our alliance! Indeed it is shocking! But, the question on everyone's mind is, "WHY?" (I don't know!) But we are all sad right? Yes, I'm very upset that Judgement left. Aw wells. Actually I'm not upset. Frankly speaking, and let me be very honest here, I don't really mind. I seldom spoke to their members (except for the Christmas celebrations, no words were exchanged.). I do not know about the rest of my guild members, but that's how I feel. I mean, I didn't even know who the guildmaster of Judgement was, (pardon me, my friend, I believe you would forgive me, because you probably do not know who I am either, so that means we're even.) and isn't that such a shame? Being in the same Alliance, and not even knowing the GUILDMASTER of a fellow guild. Isn't that such a shame? Judgement, your members are nice and all, and I'm not blaming you or anything, but the truth is, I don't know you at all. And its saddening. To have OUR - yes, OUR - Alliance become like this. Is it because I didn't try hard enough? Or maybe I tried too hard? I really don't know what else to say. But it struck me that...I barely even KNEW the guildmasters of XtremyDreams and Judgement. By name, yes. But nothing else. No contact whatsoever. I remember, when this Alliance was first created, we wanted to be "friendly" and "helpful". Let me quickly relate an incident. Names have been censored, lest we step on each others' toes. Now, to the person who asked in the first place ("is there a nid..etc"), DO NOT flame me or anything. This SS was quite long ago, and perhaps you have forgotten, but I have not. Before you start scolding me for being petty and annoying and all that, let me ask you: What do you mean, why we greet people? What? It's annoying? So greeting people is considered annoying, and that is a useless waste of space in the chatbox? I'm not saying you're in the wrong, mind you, I'm just voicing my opinions. If you feel that whenever people log-in, that greeting them is annoying, then fine. But don't you see, its a whole vicious cycle. Let's say, I want to greet a bunch of people, but they don't say anything, because they feel that greeting people is a waste of time and saliva, then after many times of trying to talk to these "walls", I will just give up greeting too. Then if people were to come up to me, expecting a greeting, and all they get back is a blank stare, how would they feel? If you think that's nothing, try facing a few walls a day. After a few days, you'll get demoralised, and you'll stop greeting too. So isn't it a whole vicious cycle? And all it takes are a few blank walls to ruin the cycle of 'hellos' among happy people. So, are you among the happy people, or are you a blank wall? The choice lies with you. You decide what you choose to be. A happy person who greets everyone, or a blank wall who just stares blankly. Your choice. Your life. Labels: My 10 Mesos' Worth Tuesday, March 17, 2009 @ 12:04 PM 17 March 2009 okay we did not go for the GPQ in the end, because there were not enough people. D: But we did other fun stuff. Look! so we decided to mc. (for those past the limit, use another character.) then Panda logged in! :D this was what we did PART 1. And we got a guild uniform! With the exception of the GPQ, you are strongly encouraged to wear this uniform when we have guild meetings. Labels: Guild-related |