[Alliance] [Guilds] [People] [Places] [Categories] [Members' Submissions] [Miscelleanous] [Guild Ranking] 255 [Medals] Information Dino is also an active screenshots contributor. (: See here: Dino |
Thursday, December 25, 2008 @ 7:51 PM Terms and Conditions
Please read the following for your own *NOTE: BEFORE YOU BEGIN, WE STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU TAKE A PACKET OF CHIPS HERE OR A BOWL OF SALAD AND A CAN OF SODA OR COFFEE OR TEA. PLAIN WATER WORKS FINE TOO.* Welcome to our Terms and Conditions page! Be prepared for a whole wall of text in this section. This section is closely linked to our Rules section. ==================== TERMS AND CONDITIONS By joining this guild owned by RockOwnerXD, the GuildMaster (which shall be referred to collectively as "GUILD"), you are stating that you have read and acknowledged any of the following: a) Rules section; b) Terms and Condition section c) [Blank] If you have read a) and b), good for you! You are ready to proceed :D If you belong to c), however, then I strongly suggest you read through this section, or the Rules section. Our T&Cs are simple to follow, so no worries that you will break any of them :D (because most of them state "strongly encouraged" not "compulsory".) i) By joining this guild, you are acknowledging the fact that you MAY be asked occasionally for small sums of money for the guild (which shall be referred to as "DONATIONS"). You do not have to feel obliged to give DONATIONS. You do not have to donate. ii) You also acknowledge the fact that you are strongly encouraged to read the Guild BBS regularly, to check for important updates. This is not mandatory; just strongly encouraged. iii) You also acknowledge the fact that our Guildmembers / Jr Masters (which shalled be referred to collectively as "GUILDPEOPLE") / GUILD are at no obligation to help you at all times. Repeated asking / begging (for example, but not limited to, "Mesos pl0x" [Mesos please]) may get you a note of warning (which shall be referred to as "WARNING POINT"), on a case-by-case basis. iv) You accept the fact that on no grounds can you hold either the GUILD or the GUILDPEOPLE responsible for any losses incurred by you. (i.e. GUILD will not be responsible for anything that you lose or any damages you suffer if WE warned you beforehand). GUILD may offer a small compensation, but at no obligation; on a case-by-case basis. v) You also acknowledge the fact that occasionally, the GUILD may ask you t0 join in celebrations (for example, but not limited to, Guild Birthday celebrations etc). IT IS NOT COMPULSORY TO ATTEND THESE "EVENTS". However you are strongly encouraged to go. We reserve the right to amend these rules and regulations with no prior notice. ==================== But it's not that hard to follow, ya?(: The T&Cs are pretty simple(: (Mostly strongly encouraged -.-) Labels: Guild-related, Website-related |